Missouri Taxi Company Won’t Pick Up Vaccinated, Masked Passengers


The owner of a Missouri taxi company refuses to pick up passengers wearing masks or who have received a COVID vaccine.

Charlie Bullington’s Yo Transport Services released the edict on Thursday, even as the state grappled with a wave of new cases.

“We don’t allow any type of masks in our vehicles,” Bullington told KMOV4. “We are very against the vaccine and do not allow people in our vehicle who have received the vaccine.”

Bullington told the broadcaster he first checked to see if passengers had been vaccinated and were wearing masks before sending a cab.

Bullington, whose 16-year-old company serves St, Louis and other neighboring towns, said he was proud that Missouri is among the three states with the lowest vaccination rates in the country.

“I am proud of all the people of Missouri for standing up against this,” he said.

Charlie Bullington, owner of Yo Transportation, said his taxis would not allow “any type of mask.”
Yo Transport


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