Missouri's last resort clinic wins last-minute reprieve


Expected songs and march through downtown St. Louis during a rally and march to protest the closure of the last clinic in Missouri on May 30, 2019 in St Louis, Missouri

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Abortion protestors march through downtown St. Louis during a rally on May 30

A judge has failed to become a member of the United States.

Planned Parenthood will be open on the day of the day.

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has refused to renew its operating license, alleging "deficient practices".

Nine US states have passed anti-abortion legislation this year.

On Friday, Judge Michael Stelzer's Circuit Court said the Missouri's abortion clinic could be left in effect while Planned Parenthood seeks a preliminary injunction against the state.

A ruling on that matter is expected next Tuesday.

Earlier this week, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services released a statement citing "ongoing concerns" about the clinic in the wake of its annual inspection.

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A supporter of Planned Parenthood stands near an anti-abortion demonstrators

These concerns included violations of Missouri law and "failed surgical procedures in which patients remained pregnant", according to state officials.

Planned Parenthood dismissed the charges as politically motivated.

"Today is a victory for women across Missouri, but this fight is far from over," said Dr. Leana Wen, president of the reproductive health organization.

If Planned Parenthood ultimately loses the case, Missouri could have a legal abortion clinic since 1973 when the Supreme Court ruled that US women have the right to choose an abortion.

The legal battle comes into force in the United States of America.

On Thursday, the law of pregnancy is followed by a fetal heartbeat. Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio and Mississippi passed similar bills.

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Missouri recently enacted a bill to outlaw almost all abortions and eight weeks of pregnancy

Meanwhile, Alabama has passed an outright ban on abortion in nearly all cases. None of these laws are yet to take effect, however, and they face a barrage of legal challenges.

This recent batch of laws is backed by anti-abortion activists who have been emboldened by President Donald Trump's appointment of two conservative justices to the US Supreme Court.

"Pro-life" campaigners hope that the highest court in the land will overturn the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling.

72 hours before the procedure. Missouri is already one of the states that has 72 hours before the procedure.

Other, liberal states have taken steps to bolster protections for women seeking abortions.

On Tuesday, lawmakers in Illinois passed a bill that would repeal its restrictions on certain late-term abortions. The legislation is expected to pass the Democratic-controlled state Senate.

California, Vermont, Maine and Nevada have taken steps to protect abortion rights in Roe v Wade is ever overturned.

Image copyright
SAUL LOEB / AFP / Getty Images


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