Mitch McConnell: Capitol Hill mob ‘provoked’ by Trump


“The crowd was fed on lies,” McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, told the Senate. “They were brought on by the president and other powerful people.”

“We will have a safe and successful grand opening right here at the front of the Capitol,” said McConnell.

McConnell’s comments come as the Senate prepares to hold an impeachment trial on the House charge of “incitement to insurgency.” McConnell said on Tuesday that the Senate had received a message from the House that Trump had been impeached, but noted that the House had not yet forwarded the article to the Senate.

Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer has pleaded for Trump’s conviction and disqualification from his tenure.

“We must set a precedent that the most serious offense ever committed by a president will be met by the harshest remedy provided for in the Constitution – indictment and conviction by this chamber as well as removal from future office “said Schumer.

McConnell said Congress would get down to business for the American people soon, and asserted that no party had a broad mandate after the 2020 election, which turned the White House and the Republican-led Senate back to the Democrats.

“The November election certainly did not give either side a mandate to radically change ideology,” McConnell said. “The Americans elected a tightly divided Senate, a tightly divided House, and a presidential candidate who said he would represent everyone.”

“So our marching orders from the American people are clear,” McConnell said. “We need to have a solid discussion and seek common ground. We need to seek bipartisan agreement wherever we can, and check and balance each other, respectfully, where we need to.”

This story was updated with additional developments on Tuesday.


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