Mitch McConnell says he’s happy with Trump’s impeachment effort


Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, told associates he believes President Trump has committed uneasy crimes and is happy Democrats are acting to impeach him, believing it will facilitate his purge of the party, according to familiar people. with his thought. The House votes on Wednesday to formally charge Mr. Trump with inciting violence against the country.

At the same time, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the minority leader and one of Mr. Trump’s staunch allies in Congress, asked other Republicans whether he should call on Mr. Trump to step down. following the riot at the Capitol. week, according to three Republican officials briefed on the conversations.

While Mr McCarthy has said he was personally opposed to impeachment, he and other party leaders decided not to formally pressure Republicans to vote ‘no’, and an aide to Mr. McCarthy said he was open to a move censuring Mr. Trump for his conduct. Privately, Mr McCarthy reached out to one of the House’s top Democrats to see if the chamber would be willing to pursue a vote of no confidence, although Speaker Nancy Pelosi has ruled it out.

Taken together, the positions of the two main Congressional Republicans – neither of whom have publicly declared that Mr. Trump should resign or be impeached – reflected the politically tense and rapid nature of the crisis the party faces in the wake of the assault last week. by a pro-Trump crowd during a session to formalize the election victory of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.

As more violent images emerged on Tuesday of the chaos caused by the rioters, including the brutal attack that ultimately killed a Capitol Police officer, and lawmakers were made aware of threats of further attacks on the Capitol, the Republican grassroots lawmakers have mushroomed. more angry at the president’s role in the violence.

Yet as they tried to balance the affection their main constituents have for Mr. Trump with the now undeniable political and constitutional threat he posed, Republican leaders in Congress who have staunchly supported the president for the past four years have fallen apart. always engaged with delicacy. Their refusal to demand the president’s resignation and the low-key plot on how to deal with his conduct have highlighted the gnawing uncertainty that they and many other Republicans have as to whether they would pay more than one. political prize for abandoning it or for continuing to allow it after it incited a crowd to storm the seat of government.

Making their task more difficult, Mr Trump showed no trace of contrition, telling reporters on Tuesday his remarks to supporters were “entirely appropriate” and that it was the specter of his impeachment that “caused enormous anger. “.

Kentucky Republican Mr McConnell has indicated he wants to see the specific impeachment article that the House is expected to approve on Wednesday, which is expected to have the support of a dozen Republicans, potentially including Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the No. 3 party in the House. But he’s made it clear in private talks that he thinks the time has come to move on from the weakened lame duck, which he blames for causing the Republicans to lose the Senate.

Mr Biden phoned Mr McConnell on Monday to ask if it was possible to set up a dual track that would allow the Senate to confirm the candidates for Mr Biden’s cabinet and hold a Senate trial at the same time , according to officials briefed on the conversation who leaked it on condition of anonymity. Far from avoiding the subject of Mr Trump’s impeachment, Mr McConnell said it was a question for the Senate parliamentarian and promised Mr Biden a quick response.

David Popp, a spokesman for Mr McConnell, declined to comment, pointing a reporter to a speech the senator gave from the floor after the attack on the Capitol.

“This unsuccessful attempt to obstruct Congress, this failed insurgency, only underscores how crucial the task ahead is for our Republic,” McConnell said as the Senate met again on Wednesday to complete the session. electoral count disturbed by the headquarters. “Our nation was founded precisely so that the free choice of the American people is what shapes our self-government and determines the fate of our nation.”

In the days following the attack, Mr. McCarthy avoided asking his fellow Republicans whether he should call on Mr. Trump to step down from his current position, opposed to impeachment but open to censorship. He even approached Rep. Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the majority leader, about a no-confidence vote, saying he could deliver a large number of Republican votes for a formal reprimand if Democrats back off impeachment. .


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