Mitch McConnell's re-election video lauds Trump's praise and Merrick Garland's blocking


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) On Wednesday launched his candidacy for the 2020 re-election with a video highlighting his successful efforts to block President Obama's Supreme Court candidate, Merrick Garland – an initiative that has reshaped the court and on which the Democrats remain smoking.

The video also includes images of President Trump, hailing McConnell as "a ribbed Kentucky leader" and "one of the most powerful men in the world". The two Republicans have formed a fragile alliance despite their sometimes conflicting relationships.

McConnell, 77, is running for a seventh term. He had previously described his decision to block Garland in 2016 – and the subsequent confirmation of Neil M. Gorsuch after the inauguration of President Trump – as one of his proudest moments.

The three-minute video broadcast by Senator McConnell's campaign includes images of Obama announcing his appointment of Garland in March 2016 and asking Republican senators to "give him an audience and then an up or down vote."

He then goes on to audio recording of McConnell's commitment to block Garland's examination.

"Let the American people decide: who will the Americans trust to appoint the next Supreme Court justice?" Said McConnell. "The president has the constitutional right to appoint a judge to the Supreme Court and the Senate has the constitutional right to act as an auditor. The next president can also name someone from very different. "

The ad includes images of Brett M. Kavanaugh, second Supreme Court nominee, who was confirmed last year.

He also praises Congress's adoption of an $ 867-billion agricultural bill, which included a McConnell legalizing hemp provision, which supporters say will help boost Kentucky's economy. other agricultural States.

The Democrats are targeting McConnell's headquarters in 2020 but have yet to find a viable challenger.


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