MLB Power Rankings: Playoff Candidates Receive Two-Week Notice


Consider this as our two week notice. Right?

OK, it was bad, but we only have two weeks left for the 2019 Major League Baseball season and I'm a little angry. I know it's a cliché, but it's really like it was not yesterday that I was at Great American Ball Park and Derek Dietrich came back with a decisive pass to help the Reds defeat the Pirates. Of course, this game does not matter, as neither team has a chance to play in the playoffs. Let's talk about some teams that have an outside shot.

Just two weeks from the end, even after three or four draws, it's difficult for this team to qualify for the playoffs. Let's see some candidates "last breath". That is to say, they still have the blast of having participated in the playoffs.

Mets – The loss of the Diamondbacks in four games has certainly improved their status, but the rise is still difficult. The good news is that the Mets have the Rockies, Reds and Marlins for the next 10 games and that they are getting closer to three against the Braves, who will probably have nothing to play in those three games. They will need help, but an improbable run of Hail Mary is certainly possible.

Phillies – They need a miracle. Starting Monday, the Phillies will play an eleven-game journey against the Braves, Indians and Nationals.

Diamondbacks – They had less than 1 1/2 games, but then embarrassed themselves in the Big Apple. They have a favorable schedule with six games against the Padres and three against the Marlins, but they must also face the Cardinals three times and need a lot of help and must also be almost perfect with this deficit. I do not see it.

Indians – They are still very engaged in the race for generic cards and could win one of the two places, but it's their last breath to grab the AL Central. They are in the miracle after dividing their last six games against the Twins. It's not an easy road, but it's not cluttered with antipersonnel mines like the Phillies. The Indians go Tigers, Phillies, White Sox, Nationals and it is possible that the Nats play for nothing this weekend.

brewers – I almost did not include them here, but we will ignore their wild card status and note instead that there is still a way to win the division. Yes, the brewers miss Christian Yelich, their best player, and yes, they do not have face-to-face confrontations with the teams located above them and they have to actually pass both the Cardinals and the Cubs, .500 teams the rest of the way AND the Cubs and Cardinals still have seven games to play. If the Brewers trample their lower competition until the end, while, say, the Cubs go 4-3 against the Cardinals, the Brewers could sneak up and steal the Central.

If you want a miracle race, it's either the Mets for a wild card or the Central Brewers. Smart money is not on either, but the word "miracle" exists for a reason. Sometimes they happen.

Previous ranking: Week 24 | Week 23 | Week 22 | Week 21 | Week 20 | Week 19 | Week 18 | Week 17 | Week 16 | Week 15 | Week 14 | Week 13 | Week 12 | Week 11 | Week 10 | Week 9 | Week 8 | Week 7 | Week 6 | Week 5 | Week 4 | Week 3 | Week 2 | Week 1 | Pre-season | Out of season


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