MLK is coming to Battle Royale Fortnite video game


Image titled MLK Coming to Battle Royale Fortnite Video Game

Photo: Agence France Presse / Contributor (Getty Images)

When we think of online video games Fortnite, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? If you answered “the late civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr.” then there’s good news for you: A new virtual in-game exhibit will honor the slain leader by exposing players to his speeches and crusade for justice, by fortnite Parent company Epic Studios announced Thursday.

Fortnite—a game best known for its battle royale style violence – has previously featured promotional appearances from artists like Travis Scott and Ariana Grande, making Martin Luther King Jr., Nobel Peace Prize winner and famous advocate of nonviolent protest, an obvious next choice for an in-game feature. Epic, the new exhibit, which was created in partnership with TIME Studios, “teleports players to DC 63, a reimagined Washington,” where they can tour the Lincoln Memorial and the National Mall to hear the King speak his infamous 17 minute speech calling for civil rights.

“The experience expands with museum-inspired landmarks and collaborative mini-games you accomplish with others,” Epic said. “These activities advance the players throughout the experience and bring to life important themes in Dr. King’s speech: We move forward when we work together.

Unless you presume that a violent fighting game insanely appropriated the message and likeness of a man who was literally murdered in his attempts to negotiate peace, know that the King Estate took an active role. in the green light of the homage. Eric D. Tidwell, Esq., Managing director and general counsel of King Estate, said the organization was “excited” to work with TIME on the Fortnite project.

“With the advent of emerging technologies, we seek to use all available resources to continue to spread its wonderful legacy of hope, peace, love and equality,” Tidwell said. The envelope in a report. “Presenting his most famous speech in such an interactive format helps us achieve this goal. “

Indeed, this may be the boost young American players need to move us forward towards a brighter, more equal future, free from senseless violence and ugly prejudices. Or maybe it will just lead to more idiots using their Fortnite avatars flossing in the National Mall as King’s “I Have a Dream” speech echoes in the background, one or the other.


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