MLW Fusion ALPHA recap: Fatu crushes Cross ahead of Vice TV title fight


MLW will rock electromagnetic waves Thursday night (October 7) with its Fightland special on Vice TV at 10 p.m. ET. World heavyweight champion Jacob Fatu will enter the ring for the long-awaited fight with reigning national champion Alexander Hammerstone for title. Also on the card, Tajiri will make his MLW debut as he tries to win the middleweight title from Myron Reed in a grid line with luchadores Aramis and Arez. There might even be an appearance by MLW matchmaker Cesar Duran (aka Dario Cueto).

Before this first action, there was the question of Merger: ALPHA Episode 3. Fatu had to cross the roadblock known as Matt Cross (aka Son of Havoc), Konnan’s latest version of LAX was booming with Injustice, and the Women’s Featherweight Division saw Ashley Vox battle Willow Nightingale.

Let’s break it down.

Alexander Hammerstone was refused entry to the site. It’s worth pointing out that Hammer roamed the streets shirtless. It’s only in wrestling that it doesn’t seem weird.

Danny Rivera and Slice Boogie beat Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver. Konnan had a front row seat for the strategy and Dr. Julius Smokes was there for the physical interference. Reed set the ring on fire during a comeback to set Injustice up to strike a teamwork powerbomb in Rivera.

Boogie broke to turn the tide. Boogie took out Reed with a spear. Smokes used a slapjack to hit Oliver, so Rivera could pick up the pin.

After the game, Reed slammed his gums. Fumes spit in Reed’s face and more punches erupt. The officials separated the wrestlers, then 5150 turned their attention to beating a referee.

The Sea Stars sisters were excited to come to MLW and seize the opportunities. Willow Nightingale was full of positivity and gave Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo a hug. Brittany Blake entered the scene as a sourpuss.

Daivari spoke in his native language, so I don’t know what he said. Hammerstone attacked! Mads Krugger threw punches. Power off.

Bobby Fish is coming soon.

Willow Nightingale defeated Ashley Vox. The power babe controlled the pace, while Vox worked the breakouts and counters. Nightingale impressed with Three Amigos and the third being a Northern Lights suplex. Vox rallied to a hurricane bouncing off a rope and then a suicide dive. Nightingale regained control with a swipe of the wheel.

Nightingale followed with a heavy spinebuster and somersault sentient. Nightingale took a high risk but missed the moon jump. Vox leaped for a clothesline to tear, however, that couldn’t keep the baby power down. Nightingale closed with a header and a powerbomb to the stomach to win with a smile.

The camera picked up more brawls between Hammer and Krugger behind the scenes.

Davey Richards was interrupted by TJP, who punched. The authorities put an end to the skirmish.

More rumble between Hammerman and Krugger.

News broke that the Fightland Vice TV title-to-title fight between Fatu and Hammerstone will not be DQ, as ordered by Duran.

5051 discussed herbal medicine as Smokes pulled a stone out of slapjack’s sock. They want Los Parks team gold. The scene ended by hinting that Boogie forcibly took the cameraman’s sneakers.

Josef Samael had a message for Hammerstone. Everyone assumed Hammer outmaneuvered Contra by winning Battle Riot III for a title shot. Samael proposed that he outwitted Hammerstone and MLW. Going to war with Fatu is a suicide mission. What will happen to the heart of MLW when their greatest hope fails? Fatu will deliver a massacre on national television.

The crash with Hammerstone and Krugger was finally broken up by officials.

MLW World Heavyweight Championship: Jacob Fatu selected against Matt Cross. Josef Samael was in the front row. Cross went on the attack early with a pump kick and suicide dive. Back-and-forth exchanges on the ground led to Cross’s flagpole elbow drop.

Back in the ring, Fatu runs away. Cross scored a standing moonsault, but Fatu was back on top after a push kick and a hand moonsault. Cross rallied for a flying double stomp and then crashed into Samael in a suicide dive. Fatu gave chase with a plancha twisted outwards.

At the end of the road, Cross surprised Fatu with a cutter. Cross rode upstairs for a shooting star press, however, Fatu dodged the impact. Cross landed on his feet and then struck an overwhelming clothesline. A moon jump on the springboard ended Cross’s title aspirations tonight as Fatu took the count of three.

Contra’s henchmen then loaded Cross into a body bag. As they took him outside, stop! Hammer time. Break it down. Oh oh oh. The show ended with Hammerman throwing more punches at Contra’s soldiers.

Jacob Fatu is full steam ahead for the Fightland special on Vice TV Thursday night at 10 p.m. ET. Matt Cross fought hard, but Fatu is on another level. I appreciate that Fatu won clean. This shows he is peaking in performance ready for Alexander Hammerstone. Hammer, on the other hand, was a wild man. He has to be careful not to let emotion get the better of him during the big fight.

The team opener went as planned with creative and punchy athleticism. 5150 won the snooker, so this feud is far from over. This is good, because I want to see a lot more clashes between these factions in the future. Injustice needs a murderer to level the playing field.

The women intervened and gave birth. Willow Nightingale has infectious energy and fluid movements. Ashley Vox was fiery. The hook is a nice touch related to the name Sea Stars, but I thought the phishing was illegal. I must consult the referees’ rules, if there is one.

My favorite part of the show was the Josef Samael promo. This man is a master of psychology. I don’t believe winning Hammerstone the title fight was their blueprint, but Samael tweaked it well to make a valid point about crushing hope.

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