Mobile Suit Gundam Hero Shooter Gundam Evolution Looks Like Overwatch


Gundam Evolution is a new first person shooter set in the world of Mobile Suit Gundam. Two teams of six players compete in arenas where they fight to capture points using special abilities – and sometimes the ultimate ability – as famous mobile suits. And yes, after watching the first trailer for Evolution of Gundam, it really looks like Monitoring.

It’s not just the structure of the game; Evolution of Gundam follows the hero-shooter formula for sure. This is also the interface, which is almost identical to Blizzard’s user interface for Monitoring (and Monitoring 2). Excusable – it’s a clean interface that is easy to analyze. The good things are blue, the bad things are red, and I know exactly where to look to check my cooldowns and my ultimate ability meter.

Evolution of Gundam will have three game modes, according to its official website: Point Capture, in which teams fight for control of points on the map; Domination, where teams compete to capture one of three randomly available points; and Destruction, where one team is tasked with destroying an object while the other tries to protect it. So far there is no payload delivery mode … maybe a smart admission that no one ever wants to be on the payload.

Bandai Namco publisher says Evolution of Gundam will be free to play when released on Windows PC. A Japanese release is confirmed, but there is no word on a Western location yet.

It’s a big week for Gundam matches. Bandai Namco announced on Wednesday that Super robot wars 30, the mashup mecha anime role-playing series, heads west, featuring bots and giant bots from Mobile Suit Gundam, Mazinger, Getter Robo, SSSS.Gridman, and other series.


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