Modders Add Shrek to Sekiro


It's Shrek. In Sekiro. Finally, we can all die.

This mod for the PC version of the game, eagerly awaited by all of humanity since the dawn of time, comes to us through the Dropoff and Katalash modders. He replaces the Ogre miniboss chained by Shrek, an ogre forced to seek to get rid of the chains of his own negative vision.

In Sekirohe jealously guards his figurative swamp; if you come near it, it will let you down and knock you out until you remember that someone once said that the world is going to roll you and that someone is the devil, because you are in hell. Here is a demonstration of game developer Lance McDonald:

As McDonald says, music is its own addition, but maybe modders will use it as a source of inspiration for future releases. Or maybe the mod is perfect as it is: sober and subtle. Quietly shrektacular.


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