Modern war will not have zombies



Although Call of Duty: Modern war is a kind of soft restart, it stays true to one of the non-features of the original Call of Duty Games. When Modern war launches this October, it will not have the Zombies mode that has become ever popular in Call of Duty cooperative multiplayer mode.

Speaking with PlayStation Lifestyle during the recent revelation, Modern warThe gameplay director of the campaign, Jacob Minkoff, explained why there would be no zombies in this game. "Because[the[tea[la[theSecret operations Games]Focus more on the stylized and graphic novel, the superhero experience, they can have the gameplay types much more 'different' in their games. But for us, we try to create an authentic and realistic sentimental world. We do not have the ability to do anything like putting zombies in the game. This would compromise the feeling of playing in a realistic, authentic world that is adapted to today's conflicts and the problems we face. " -he declares.

Infinity Ward is no stranger to zombies, though. In 2016, Infinite war had a Zombies mode. However, this game also had space battles, which is certainly against the current realism angle that Minkoff is talking about in Modern war. Thus, Activision takes a sabbatical year of Zombies. In Modern warthe dead remain dead.

Call of Duty: Modern War Will Not Have Zombie Fashion [PlayStation Lifestyle]

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