Modern Warfare gets new maps four months after Activision left the game behind •


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has new maps this morning, four months after Activision left the game to focus on Black Ops Cold War and Warzone.

After downloading this morning’s massive Mid-Season Two Update, Modern Warfare fans were surprised to see the Killhouse map added to multiplayer alongside the new Killhouse 24/7 playlist.

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Killhouse originally appeared in Infinity Ward’s groundbreaking Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and he was spotted in the 2019 Modern Warfare files in February 2020.

Fans also spotted Al-Raab Airbase (6v6) and Drainage (Gunfight) added to Modern Warfare’s rotation.

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Oddly, these new cards are coming to the game without any announcements from Infinity Ward or Activision. There is currently no patch note for Modern Warfare, nor any indication as to whether any other content is coming – or has come – into the game.

In December, Modern Warfare season six ended with no sign of season seven.

Infinity Ward’s first-person shooter launched on October 25, 2019. Since then, it has seen the launch of the Warzone free-to-play battle royale, Treyarch and Raven’s Black Ops Cold War, and six seasons. new content and battle passes.

He was thought to be dead, but today’s new surprise suggests Modern Warfare has yet to be entirely forgotten.

Fans had been hoping that Captain John “Soap” MacTavish would be added as a new operator to the game, since he’s mentioned in Modern Warfare and heard in Warzone, but so far he’s nowhere to be found. Maybe he’ll be added as part of Warzone’s upcoming nuclear event.

Either way, Modern Warfare just got shot in the arm. Will we see a next-gen console version come out?


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