Modern Warfare Gunfight's new multiplayer mode might be the biggest skill test for a COD player


Each year, the latest Call of Duty attempts to add something new to the multiplayer mode, and this time, the Modern Warfare Gunfight mode is the result. It's a quick death match 2v2 in Call of Duty: Modern war this can be played in seconds, and captures some of the spirit of the old shared waaaay screen modes at the time.

The set up sees you, and another player, fighting another two man team on a map not much bigger than a tennis court. The two teams appear at each end, with identical but randomly chosen weapons, and it is a quick and ruthless hunt to eliminate the other side. And when I say fast I mean quick. The confined areas put the two teams in conflict almost immediately and the cards I have played to date are all more or less flat rectangles, which creates a corner game for the cat and the mouse for get the first shot, with a positioning and a choice of way really tactical game.

Stay alert, make good decisions

The King card, for example, is built in a warehouse and allows you to choose between loading the outer edges, the central path or a second higher level. Or wait to see if the enemy comes to you. Whatever happens, everything is a matter of speed. If no one kills after 40 seconds, a flag appears and must be defended to score points (first victory out of six). This obviously creates a flash point that only increases the risk and speed of reading.

Teamwork, map knowledge and positioning are essential. While I was playing, once my team-mate and I had clicked, we made an incredible race by covering each other's corners, anticipating everyone's movements and dispelling the enemy's attempts to get away from us. tear down. At one point we came back from 5-0 to win as a small crowd gathered to watch the impossible unfold.

(Image credit: Activision)

Gun Game

Adding to the precision of the cards and the speed of the game, the selection of random weapons is both an excellent glider and a complete wildcard. Because everyone has the same gun, it gives the same advantage to everyone, but forces everyone to play Weapons & # 39; rules. For example, no RPG is charged to the opposition, whereas a rifle or a firearm requires a tight game.

Overall, it's the simplicity of Gunfight that shines. The speed of play and the even playing field of random weapon choices create a series of fights that can last a few seconds and games can last for hours. It will also be an interesting addition on the competitive stage because everything is clutching all the time. This should make it both an entertaining show to watch and a real test for professional players forced to face in the end.


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