Moe Wagner trade: meet the new Boston Celtics big man, who already got his feet wet


Moe Wagner started his Thursday as usual, walking outside for his pre-game walk. It was halfway through his routine that he found out he had been traded from the Wizards to the Bulls. As he emotionally prepared to travel to Windy City, he discovered minutes before the 3pm trade deadline, that he was heading to the Celtics instead.

It’s the whirlwind of life in the NBA, where livelihoods are uprooted in an instant. Wagner was supposed to prepare for play against the Knicks on Thursday, but instead he was heading to Milwaukee to meet his new team.

To acclimate with the Celtics and his new coach, Brad Stevens, Wagner said he has spent the past 24 hours delving into the playbook to learn all he can. Despite being traded on Thursday, Wagner made his Boston debut in the 122-114 win over the Bucks on Friday. Wagner played 10 minutes, recording three points and five rebounds.

It’s still a process, however, for the 23-year-old Michigan forward.

“I can feel how a little overwhelmed I am still here and there,” Wagner said after the game on Friday. “I keep telling myself it’s just basketball and keep playing through the mistakes.”

Wagner was part of a three-team trade between Boston, Chicago and Washington. The Celtics shipped Daniel Theis and Javonte Green for Wagner and Bulls’ big man Luke Kornet. The Bulls and Wizards had an original deal that sent Wagner to the Bulls, but changes just at the trade deadline ended it all.

Wagner began his career after being drafted in the first round by the Los Angeles Lakers. He was traded from the Lakers to the Wizards to free up space to sign Anthony Davis. That’s why Wagner said he understands the business side of the league once he’s moved. He has played 25 games with the Wizards this season, averaging 7.1 points and 2.9 rebounds per game.

“The basketball part is sort of the easiest thing because it distracts you from all the other things you have, like moving around and all the things off the court that you need to figure out,” Wagner said. “So just talking about covers and getting to know new teammates is kinda fun. It’s kind of what I like the most. “

There were some nuances of coincidence as Wagner and Theis were traded for each other, both German league players. Wagner said he knew Theis because of the experience of the national team, but he didn’t do much for the German team, which is why he doesn’t know Theis on a personal level.

Wagner admitted it was strange to be traded for another player, especially one who was loved by teammates like Theis. He said he watched the games all the time and could see how much Theis meant to his new team.

“The dynamics of the team,” Wagner said of what he’s trying to figure out. “Who’s in charge, who’s in what role, emotional role and all that. And then defensively, I think the most important thing is to define the terminology well, because if you’re playing hard and you don’t know what’s going on, you can’t play.

Wagner said his No.1 priority was to nail down those terminologies – both offensively and defensively. He is adjusting to a new coach, and Wagner said he saw great importance on knowing Stevens’ system.

Stevens and Wagner still haven’t had a long discussion about the Celtics’ most recent role. Wagner said they had a brief conversation before a team meeting, where Stevens told him to be a confident player and use the system on the fly.

Wagner was the first of the Celtics’ three most recent plays to see court. Kornet was on the sidelines for Friday’s game but saw no action. Stevens stated that Evan Fournier was in Boston for physical and other tasks. But Stevens said he would speak more in depth with the efficient and sharp guard so they can fit it into the system for the stretch run.

Wagner joined him halfway on a road trip, but he will soon be able to enjoy his new home. The Celtics embark on a seven-game home stint starting Monday against the Pelicans, where they can iron out any adjustments with their last games.

“It’s the right thing about the NBA,” Wagner said. “You play basketball a lot and I kind of try to get lost and worry about the other things off the court. But basketball is the easiest and most fun part for me.


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