Mom who paid $ 6.5 million in a college scandal states that Rick Singer fooled him


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By Alex Johnson

The Chinese family who made the biggest payment to the head of the university admissions scandal said Thursday that she was fooled and that the $ 6.5 million payment had been made several weeks after her admission to the university. Stanford University.

The student's mother, Yusi Zhao, from China, has not been charged. In a statement issued through the family's attorney, Zhao's mother, identified only as "Ms. Zhao," stated that Yusi Zhao had been accepted by Stanford "by ordinary means" on March 31, 2017 – three weeks before the $ 6.5 million payment, thinking it was a charitable donation.

According to the statement, William Rick Singer of Newport Beach, California, whom the Zhao family consulted for advice on entering prestigious US universities, was "surprised" to learn that Yusi Zhao had been accepted. It was only later that Singer asked Ms. Zhao to donate to Stanford through her foundation, the statement said.

The $ 6.5 million payment was made on April 21, 2017, in the hope that it would be forwarded to Stanford in the form of a donation, the statement said.

"The gift is in the nature of what many wealthy parents have done openly in prestigious universities," the statement said.

Stanford said Wednesday that he had never received any money.

Singer, 58, pleaded guilty to four crimes in March and collaborates with the investigators.

About 50 other people, including actors Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin, are facing federal indictment because of this scheme, in which Singer acknowledged having solicited large donations from high net worth individuals to increase the chances of their children entering universities such as Georgetown.

Huffman and 13 other defendants should plead guilty, according to the Department of Justice. Loughlin and her husband pleaded not guilty.


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