Momo Challenge: YouTube removes video ads to eliminate viral hoax


  • YouTube does not allow videos promoting the so-called Momo Challenge on its site, and news videos about it can not advertise, said a spokesperson at INSIDER.
  • The company said it did not see any video promoting the challenge on its site. The whole thing is probably a hoax.
  • YouTube's policy of banning the promotion of dangerous challenges is nothing new. It has also banned videos promoting the Tide Pod challenge and banned advertising in news stories.

YouTube is vigilant about the so-called Momo Challenge, banned on the site and banned advertising on videos that mention them, said a spokesperson at INSIDER.

The so-called challenge encourages children to participate in dangerous activities that would kill them. But even though many local police officers, local media reportsand celebrities like Kim Kardashian have warned parents about it, there is no evidence of videos with the Momo Challenge. This seems to be a hoax.

The company told INSIDER that any video posing this problem would violate its guidelines, but that it did not find any evidence of these videos.

"Unlike news articles, we have not received any recent evidence of videos showing or promoting the Momo Challenge on YouTube," YouTube said in a statement. "Content of this type would violate our policies and be immediately removed."

According to a spokesperson, YouTube prohibits any content related to the Momo Challenge that is not an information cover or educational material.

However, while Momo Challenge cover videos are allowed on the site, advertising on these videos is removed.

The approach of YouTube is not new

YouTube spokesman said the company has not put in place any new policies to curb reporting on the Momo Challenge in particular. According to the spokesperson, for example, reports on the Tide Pod challenge have also been de-monetized because of the company's advertisers' policy. YouTube pays special attention to all viral stories that could be harmful, but applies its policies in the same way, the spokesman said.

The company also banned videos that include Momo from YouTube Kids. Reports are still allowed on YouTube's main site, but they are still subject to demonetization.

Read more:The Momo Challenge is supposed to instruct kids to commit suicide, but there is no confirmed case that this is actually happening.

"This image is not allowed on the YouTube Kids app and we are putting in place protections to exclude it from YouTube Kids content," the company said in a message posted on the forum Thursday. .

The alleged Momo Challenge became viral for the first time last year when the Argentine police suspected the suicide of a 12-year-old girl, but this link has never been confirmed.

The character of Momo is based on "Mother Bird", a statue designed by Link Factory, a Japanese company special effects.


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