Monitoring group files ethics complaint against Adam Schiff for Fusion GPS, Michael Cohen


CJudicial Watch Judicial Watch Group Urges Congressional Ethics Office to Investigate Speaker of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, D-Calif., Regarding Communications with Fusion Founder Glenn Simpson , and the former Trump President's lawyer Michael Cohen.

"Representative Schiff has an ethical problem, his irregular communications with anti-Trump witnesses, as well as those of his staff, undermine the credibility of the investigations of the House and its committees," said Monday. Judicial Watch President, Tom Fitton. "It has long been obvious that we can not trust Representative Schiff to lead the Intelligence Commission, so we hope Democrats sitting on the Ethics Committee will stop protecting Mr. Schiff and will act. "

John Solomon, of Hill, announced last month that Schiff had met Simpson in Aspen, Colorado, in July 2018, at the Aspen Security Forum, and a few months later he had appeared before the Intelligence Committee of the House in October 2018, while Schiff was one of the most prominent members of the committee.

Fusion GPS, hired to conduct opposition research by a lawyer representing the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign, has enmeshed in federal and congressional investigations examining Russia's interference in the 2016 elections The firm was responsible for the hiring of former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, author of the so-called Trump case, which contained outrageous claims about Trump's ties to Russia and which had been used by the FBI for a warrant of espionage, Carter Page.

Schiff and Simpson spokesmen said their meeting in Aspen was brief and that Schiff's office had indicated that no meeting had been scheduled in advance.

"The president had no scheduled meeting with Glenn Simpson and any conversation with him at the Aspen conference would have been brief and of a social nature," Schiff's office told The Hill.

Judicial Watch, which filed the official complaint against Schiff on Monday with the Congressional Ethics Office, also quoted a Fox News press report that Schiff traveled to New York at least four times to coordinate with Cohen before his testimony before the Chamber. Supervision and Reform Committee in February. Cohen, who pleaded guilty to committing crimes related to campaign financing in August, acknowledged before the committee last month that he had discussed with Schiff "topics that would be addressed at the next hearing ".

Schiff denies having himself been present when members of his team traveled to New York four times to meet Cohen for a total of ten hours on various topics just before his public appearance before the Supervisory Committee.

"Once again, the conduct of Rep. Schiff creates the appearance of a collusion and synchronization of unethical efforts that calls into question the fact that Cohen's testimony either a legitimate congressional hearing or a well-rehearsed political theater, "said Judicial Watch's complaint. "We call on the ECO to investigate the Schiff representative and his previously undisclosed and inappropriate contact with key witnesses as part of a Congressional investigation on which this member exercises decisive influence."

A Schiff spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Washington Examiner.


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