Montana emergency doctors warn Covid-19 has its community on the brink of disaster


“It’s a real threat, and it’s getting worse by the day – it’s no exaggeration to say that,” said a letter signed by seven emergency physicians affiliated with Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital in Ravalli County. “We are on the brink of disaster.”

The letter comes as Ravalli County – home to about 44,000 people – suffers a spike in infections. Cases have doubled in the past three weeks, according to the letter. As of Thursday, the county had 731 cases of Covid-19, according to the state’s coronavirus data dashboard, and 450 of those cases were active. Five people have died since the start of the pandemic, according to a press release from the county.

Rising number of cases is straining local hospitals, the letter says, hampering doctors’ ability to treat not only patients with Covid-19, but also those with other life-threatening illnesses like heart attacks .

In some cases, doctors have been forced to transfer critically ill patients to hospitals out of state, the letter says.

“It is our mission and our passion as emergency physicians to provide unparalleled emergency care to all members of our community who need our services, when they are needed,” the letter said. “However, it is becoming increasingly clear to us that we need your help to do this effectively.”

Ravalli County, which sits on the southwest border near Idaho, just south of Missoula, is not alone.

Covid-19 is rampant across the country, with CNN chief medical correspondent Dr Sanjay Gupta declaring the crisis a “humanitarian catastrophe”.
Wednesday marked the ninth day in a row the United States surpassed 100,000 daily infections, with a new record high of more than 140,000 cases, according to Johns Hopkins University. Nearly 1,900 people died on Wednesday, bringing the death toll to more than 241,000. As of Tuesday, coronavirus hospitalizations in the United States – 61,694 – hit an all-time high.

Montana recorded 1,101 cases on Tuesday, the highest since the start of the pandemic, according to the state health department. Statewide, there had been more than 42,000 cases as of Thursday morning.

In their letter, emergency physicians implore residents to follow the basics of reducing the spread of the virus, including wearing masks, social distancing, and staying home if they have been in. contact with someone who has a confirmed case of Covid-19.

What you need to know about the coronavirus on Thursday, November 12

“These small, easy steps will go a long way in curbing this crisis and the overcrowding of our medical resources,” the letter said.

Doctors say they “recognize the controversies” surrounding these measures and the “sacrifice” required, but believe that “these self-limiting choices will ultimately give us more freedoms” by allowing businesses and the community to remain open.

“As emergency physicians, but also as members of your community, as neighbors and friends, we implore your help. We cannot do this without you, ”they wrote. “We believe the quickest path to normalcy – and the one with the fewest casualties – is to take this threat seriously today. The decisions you make matter – they matter right now and they will impact our foreseeable future.

CNN’s Konstantin Toropin contributed to this report.


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