Moon tricks Tesla’s FSD into thinking it’s a yellow light


Tesla recently announced that any Tesla user can subscribe to Autopilot’s full self-drive feature for $ 99 to $ 199 per month, but it looks like the new feature always comes with its fair share of issues. Recently, a Tesla driver took to Twitter to share a funny little glitch with the system.

It turns out that the feature mistakes a full moon for a yellow light and slows the vehicle down. It should be noted that this is an extremely yellow and quite low moon.

Tesla has had its fair share of problems since the introduction of its full self-drive feature, but that’s to be expected when trying out new technology. Engineers do their best to alleviate all problems before they arise, but that is simply not possible.

On the positive side, the company does its best to resolve potential issues once they are brought to their attention. Still, one has to wonder at what stage of development Tesla’s full self-driving feature is.

Last May, we reported that a Tesla leak that said Elon Musk often exaggerates the capabilities of the feature. However, in this case, it seems like a fair enough mistake, but one that still needs to be fixed.

Traffic lights can be confusing for systems to recognize and a very low yellow moon can even be mistakenly presented as a traffic light to the human eye momentarily. So let’s give Musk a little slack and wait and see how his engineers fix this problem, which we have no doubt will be fixed sooner rather than later.


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