MoonCats users vote to destroy keys to his last 160 ‘Genesis’ tokens


MoonCats, the long dormant tokenized collectibles platform that was rediscovered earlier this month, now has a problem in its hands: trading robots.

MoonCats collectibles represent 8-bit cats that live on the moon and can be traded or “adopted” by users. The project was launched on August 9, 2017 by developer Ponderware, with a hard limit of 25,500 MoonCats to be created through a process similar to Ethereum mining.

However, the MoonCats community is now concerned that the upcoming release of the final 160 Genesis cats may be hijacked by commercial robots, with users complaining that the Mooncats have become invaded by robots programmed to accumulate new cats when they can be purchased. .

MoonCats was rediscovered earlier this month amid the booming growth of the NFT industry. When collectors recently learned about the project, it was reported that NFT MoonCats cost between $ 50 and $ 200. However, prices have risen rapidly since then, with MoonCats now trading for 1 ETH on average.

The most sought-after breed of coin-operated space cats are the “Genesis MoonCats” – tokens that were among the first 256 to operate on the platform. A Genesis MoonCat sold for 100 ETH valued at around $ 180,000 earlier this month.

With the final 160 Genesis Cats awaiting release and the MoonCats community fearful of being all bought by bots, Ponderware is looking to the MoonCats community to decide what to do next.

On March 17, the developer launched a smart contract survey for MoonCats users asking, “Should the developers of MoonCatRescue destroy their private key so that no future Genesis MoonCats can ever be released?”

A “yes” result will prevent Genesis MoonCats from being released in the future, as the private key of the wallet containing the cats will be deleted. A “no” result will see the private key preserved and further discussion between Ponderware and the MoonCats community to establish a “fair” method for distributing the latest Genesis chats. The developer declared:

“A fair distribution of these cats may prove to be technically, socially and / or economically impossible. We will work with the community to meet the challenge, but it is likely to be a complex and lengthy issue.”

At the time of writing, the poll shows that 72% of respondents are in favor of destroying the private key, while 28% are against it.

Bots have been causing problems in the NFT space for many months. On February 26, NBA Top Shot was forced to delay the launch of their Premium pack due to the high levels of bottling activity on the platform. Dapper Lab CEO Roham Gharegozlou addressed the delay, noting that the company was not interested in the rapid sales generated by trading robots.

In March 2020, Ethereum-based collectible game Axie Infinity sought to discipline bottling activity by issuing 30-day bans on any accounts associated with the use of bots.