More PCs Should Steal PS5’s Dust Collector Design


Ever since Sony released its PlayStation 5 teardown video last month showing the inner workings of its latest console, I’ve been wondering why more PCs don’t have PS5-style dust collector holes for an easy vacuum cleaner? I know a lot of PC cases have detachable dust filters and the like these days to help keep our machines dust free, but as anyone who’s ever tried to clean their PC lately knows, those plastic mesh always ends up. by pulling it all over like as soon as you try to take it off, and you usually have a good pain in your ass. The PS5’s dust collectors seem to be the dream solution, however. Stick your vacuum cleaner next to the dust collector, and bosh. Work completed. More information on PC please!

Of course, having never seen or used a PlayStation 5 myself yet, I have no way of telling how effective these tiny little dust collectors are still. It can be launched in many countries today, but it won’t be released in the UK until next week. As far as I know, their tiny fingertip-sized openings may just be too small to suck them up effectively, and it’s also unclear how often they will need to be cleaned – which, let’s not forget. not, also requires you to remove the fins from the white cover each time you wish to access them.

But the idea of ​​a small, relatively easy-to-reach vacuum point is one that I totally agree with. After building and adapting several different PC setups over the past few weeks to test all kinds of different components, from Nvidia’s RTX 3070, RTX 3080, and RTX 3090 cards to the Ryzen 5 5600X, Ryzen 7 5800X, and Ryzen 9 5900X chips from Nvidia. AMD, I was very aware of the filth of some of my cases. And the living man, trying to clean the individual fan blades, remove goodness knows how many filters AND give the inside a good wipe with a dust cloth left me both exhausted and very, very dirty.

What I wouldn’t give for a single suction point that would suck all the dirt out of my PC and straight into my vacuum …

Of course, the airflow inside a PC case is very different from the airflow inside a console – even one as large as the PlayStation 5 – and I imagine it. it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to suddenly change the way air enters. gone through a typical PC system. Unless you are building a particularly small PC where space and airflow is limited, there is usually tons of space for dirt and dust to float inside a tower case. traditional, which makes it very difficult to have it installed in one place. This is unlikely to happen, but hey, a girl can dream, right?

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