More than 1,000 cases of coronavirus confirmed on Friday


MADISON, Wis. (WBAY) – The Wisconsin Department of Health Services said on Friday that an additional 1,058 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed. The state had seen no more than 1,000 new cases a day in nearly four months, since April 9. The moving average has risen from 556 to 638 cases per day over the past 7 days, a month after dropping to 70 cases. per day.

The 7-day average positivity rate has increased by leaps and bounds. DHS says 6.1% of all tests in the past 7 days came back positive. Five weeks ago it was as low as 0.7%.

Health officials blame the delta mutation of the COVID-19 virus, which the CDC says is as contagious as chickenpox and may be more dangerous than the other variants so far. the State Hygiene Laboratory says the delta variant accounts for 79% of the case samples tested this month.

A CDC study found that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant may carry a viral load as high as the unvaccinated, they are just less affected. The CDC says vaccines are still very effective in preventing a COVID-19 infection from leading to serious illness or death, even with the delta variant. Viral activity is high in 57 counties in Wisconsin and moderate in 15; there is no country where the spread of the virus is low. Between July 7 and July 27, 1 in 1,000 people in Wisconsin were diagnosed with coronavirus.

Even with the much higher number of cases, the state’s 7-day average is still 2 deaths per day, and the death rate has remained at 1.2% of all cases for a 24th day. The death toll in Wisconsin has increased by 3 to 7,439. Two deaths just reported to the state have occurred in the past 30 days. No county in WBAY’s viewing area has seen its death toll increase (the number of cases and deaths by county appears later in this article).

Figures from DHS show more people are coming for their first vaccine (and for people getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, their only one). Vaccinators reported 5,368 more people who received at least one dose of vaccine compared to the previous day, while 3,331 people completed their series of vaccines.

3,020,277 Wisconsinians have received at least one dose of the vaccine (51.9% of the population), including 2,871,068 Wisconsinians who are fully vaccinated (49.3%).

These include 62.7% of Wisconsin’s adult population receiving a vaccine and 59.9% completing their vaccination schedule. But it was children ages 12 to 17 who saw the largest increase in the percentage of their age group receiving their first dose. Local health departments and school districts have encouraged parents to have students immunized before school starts.

Population of Wisconsin vaccinated, by age group (and change since Thursday)

  • 12-15: 33.6% received one dose (+0.3) / 28.7% completed (+0.2)
  • 16-17: 42.7% received one dose (+0.3) / 38.6% completed (+0.1)
  • 18-24: 44.6% received one dose (+0.2) / 40.8% completed (+0.0)
  • 25-34: 49.0% received one dose (+0.1) / 45.9% completed (+0.1)
  • 35-44: 56.9% received one dose (+0.1) / 53.8% completed (+0.0)
  • 45-54: 59.1% received one dose (+0.1) / 56.2% completed (+0.0)
  • 55-64: 69.3% received one dose (+0.1) / 66.6% completed (+0.0)
  • 65+: 83.8% received one dose (+0.1) / 81.8% completed (+0.1)

On Friday, Menominee County became the second county in the WBAY observation area to have more than half of its population vaccinated. Door County is the other. Brown and Outagamie counties follow closely behind at 49.6% and 49.4%, respectively; at their current rates, they could both cross the 50% mark next week.

More than half of the populations of Brown, Door, Menominee, Outagamie and Sheboygan counties have received at least one dose of the vaccine. Winnebago County is close at 49.8%, and we could add them to the list as early as Monday.

State figures show 45 people have been hospitalized for COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, which is perfectly in line with our calculated 7-day average of 44 hospitalizations per day. Taking into account exits and deaths, the Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA) reported 246 COVID-19 patients in hospitals, including 64 in intensive care on Friday. This is 2 more patients in intensive care and 23 more in total than the day before. This is the highest number of COVID-19 patients hospitalized at one time since May 21.

Hospitals in the Northeastern Health Region of 7 counties have 18 patients among them, with 6 in intensive care – 1 more in intensive care and 8 more overall since Thursday. Hospitals in the Fox Valley area, which has 8 counties, are treating 17 COVID-19 patients, 5 more than Thursday, but they have not reported any COVID-19 patients in intensive care for weeks.


County (Population) (Health region) % of population (change from previous report) % complete of population (change from previous report)
Brown (264,542) (NE) 51.9% (+0.1) 49.6% (+0.0)
Calumet (50 089) (VF) 46.9% (+0.2) 44.7% (+0.1)
Dodge (87,839) 41.7% (+0.1) 39.7% (+0.1)
By (27,668) (NE) 67.1% (+0.1) 64.9% (+0.0)
Fond du Lac (103,403) (SE) 44.5% (+0.0) 42.5% (+0.0)
Forest (9,004) 42.8% (+0.2) 40.9% (+0.0)
Florence (4,295) (NE) 44.7% (+0.0) 43.1% (+0.0)
Lac Vert (18 913) (FV) 45.7% (+0.1) 43.9% (+0.1)
Kewaunee (20,434) (NE) 41.9% (+0.1) 40.8% (+0.1)
Manitowoc (78,981) (NE) 48.9% (+0.1) 46.6% (+0.1)
Marinette (40,350) (NE) 42.9% (+0.0) 40.9% (+0.0)
Menominee (4,556) (FV) 54.2% (+0.1) 50.2% (+0.4)
Oconto (37 930) (NE) 43.3% (+0.1) 41.6% (+0.0)
Outagamy (187 885) (VF) 51.8% (+0.1) 49.4% (+0.1)
Shawano (40 899) (VF) 38.2% (+0.0) 36.4% (+0.0)
Sheboygan (115,340) (SE) 50.3% (+0.1) 48.2% (+0.1)
Waupaca (50 990) (VF) 44.7% (+0.1) 42.8% (+0.0)
Waushara (24 443) (VF) 36.9% (+0.1) 35.4% (+0.1)
Winnebago (171 907) (VF) 49.8% (+0.1) 47.6% (+0.1)
NORTHEAST REGION (474,200) (NE) 238,751 (50.3%) (+0.1) 228,518 (48.2%) (+0.1)
FOX VALLEY AREA (549,682) (FV) 265,019 (48.2%) (+0.1) 252,828 (46.0%) (+0.1)
WISCONSIN (5,822,434) 3,020,277 (51.9%) (+0.1) 2,871,068 (49.3%) (+0.0)

Outagamie County Public Health and the Wisconsin National Guard have teamed up to create a COVID-19 vaccination clinic inside the Fox River Mall. The walk-in clinic near Scheels will operate on select dates between August 2 and September 2, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Outagamie County Website.

On Tuesday, the DHS website removed the number of active and recovered cases – these are people diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus in the past 30 days or survived beyond 30 days. The latest report released on Monday said 1% of cases were active and 98% were considered cured. Health officials long ago recognized that the “recovered” cases included people with long-term health effects from their infection, the so-called “long-haul” ones.

RATE OF CASES AND DEATHS IN FRIDAY COUNTY (counties with new cases or deaths are shown in bold) **

  • Brown – 32,191 cases (+28) (259 deaths)
  • Calumet – 5,899 cases (+7) (51 deaths)
  • Dickinson (Michigan) * – 2,435 cases (+3) (59 deaths)
  • Dodge – 12,128 crates (+15) (177 deaths)
  • Door – 2,647 cases (+1) (30 deaths)
  • Florence – 457 cases (revised cases -1 by state) (13 deaths)
  • Fond du Lac – 12,726 squares (+8) (133 deaths)
  • Forest – 981 crates (+2) (24 deaths)
  • Gogebic (Michigan) * – 1,084 cases (+1) (24 deaths)
  • Lac Vert – 1,633 cases (+1) (21 deaths)
  • Iron (Michigan) * – 1005 cases (+1) (43 deaths)
  • Kewaunee – 2,388 cases (revised cases -1 by state) (28 deaths)
  • Langlade – 2,059 cases (35 deaths)
  • Manitowoc – 7,696 cases (+7) (76 deaths)
  • Marinette – 4,258 cases (+4) (68 deaths)
  • Menominee (Mich.) * – 1,811 cases (+5) (41 deaths)
  • Menominee – 809 cases (+1) (11 deaths)
  • Oconto – 4,578 cases (+9) (63 deaths)
  • Outagamy – 21,003 cases (+17) (225 deaths)
  • Shawano – 4,807 cases (+4) (73 deaths)
  • Sheboygan – 14,010 cases (+21) (154 deaths)
  • Waupaca – 5,020 cases (+5) (123 deaths)
  • Waushara – 2,234 cases (+3) (35 deaths)
  • Winnebago – 18,546 cases (+23) (203 deaths)

* The Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the Wisconsin Hospital Association do not issue updates on weekends. The Michigan Department of Health only updates the information on Tuesdays and Fridays.

** Cases and deaths are from state COVID-19 reports, which may differ from local health department numbers. The Wisconsin DHS reports cases of all health departments within a county, including tribal, municipal, and county health departments; county websites cannot. Additionally, public health departments update their data at different times, while DHS freezes the numbers it receives at the same time each day to compile the afternoon report.

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