More than 4,000 migrants, many children, packed to Texas facility


The US government’s main border detention center for migrant children is an overcrowded tent structure currently filled with more than 4,000 people, despite a capacity of 250, it was revealed on Tuesday.

The Biden administration for the first time allowed Associated Press and CBS reporters to visit crowded U.S. customs and border protection facilities in Donna, Texas.

The facility has a capacity of 250 people – but the AP reported that more than 4,100 migrants, mostly unaccompanied children, are currently being held there.

The children were loaded by the hundreds into eight cradles of approximately 3,200 square feet. Most of the pods contained more than 250 children.

The youngest of them were kept in a large play area with mats on the floor to sleep on.

The children are treated in the tents before being transported to the shelters of the Ministry of Health and Human Services, then placed with parents or sponsors.

Journalists observed the minors being treated on Tuesday. The children were first taken to small rooms inside the tents for health assessments, including checks for lice, scabies, fever and other ailments.

No COVID-19 test has been administered unless a child is showing symptoms of the virus.

The children also underwent psychological tests, with nurse practitioners asking if they were having thoughts of suicide. All the laces have been removed.

Then the minors were taken to a large admission room where those 14 and older were fingerprinted and photographed.

They were then taken to a second reception room where they were notified to appear in immigration court.

Children who had contact in the United States were allowed to speak with that person on the phone.

The children were given bracelets with a barcode that indicated when they showered and any medical concerns.

With pole wires


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