More than half of the country's national prosecutors could open an anti-trust investigation against Google


Photo: Drew Angerer (AP)

The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that "more than half of the US Attorneys General" have signed and are preparing an antitrust investigation on Google Digital, with the newspaper writing the "investigation" expected to be announced next week, marking the major escalation in the efforts of US regulators to investigate the largest companies in Silicon Valley. "

The details of the investigation remain unclear, but the Post Office said the effort should "be bipartite" and could involve more than 30 state attorneys general. The US investigation is still separate from another antitrust review currently conducted by the Department of Justice. The two Democrats in the field and the Trump administration have increased the pressure on the tech giants (for completely different reasons). ). The Post wrote:

A smaller group of these state representatives, representing the coalition at large, should unveil the investigation at a press conference held in Washington on Monday, according to three people close to the case who would have spoken under the cover anonymity because they were not allowed to discuss a conflict. law enforcement, warning that plans could change.

It is unclear whether some or all attorneys general are also considering opening or announcing additional investigations of other technology giants, including Amazon and Facebook, which have been subject to antitrust review. similar to the United States. The state effort should be bipartite and could include more than 30 attorneys general, said one of the people.

Although it is "unsure" whether DOJ representatives will join attorneys general at the announcement scheduled next week, wrote the Post, Makan Delrahim, head of the US antitrust department. The agency said in August that the GM was coordinating with state investigations into possible violations of antitrust law. technology companies. The federal government is currently conducting numerous antitrust investigations of this type, including the Federal Trade Commission's Facebook investigations (in addition to the meager $ 5 billion fine imposed on the company earlier this year), Amazon and an investigation by the US government. Apple's Department of Justice (Apple Justice).

As indicated by the post office, states have more limited powers than the federal government, which may result in the dissolution of entire companies as a result of anti-competitive law. However, states can join the federal government, as they did during the antitrust investigation on Microsoft in the 1990s, as well as confuse Google in years of legal battles. Former Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler told the paper, "If several states – and I'm not just talking about the Democratic Attorneys General, but also the Republican Attorneys General – are all looking at potential violations of antitrust laws. one of the main effects could be to put pressure on the federal government. do a deeper dive. "


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