Morning Joe questions a New York Times article on Kavanaugh's new allegation


Joe in the morning host Joe Scarborough asked why the New York Times initially ignored some facts regarding a new allegation of sexual misconduct in an article about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

"Everyone makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday. "We were on the phone yesterday to ask, wait a second, there is a woman who [Max] Stier claims to have been abused by Kavanaugh. Did she deny that? Did she claim that it happened? Why this blatant omission in the New York Times story? "

"I could not believe the New York Times would write this article without the information it contains, "he continued.

the New York Times piece was adapted from a forthcoming book by reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, entitled Brett Kavanaugh's Education: An Inquiry.

According to the adaptation, Max Stier, one of Kavanaugh's classmates at Yale University, had witnessed that Kavanaugh had had inappropriate sexual contact with a student in the mid-1980s. 1980.

An updated version of the article included a note from the editor stating that the student "refused to be interviewed and that friends say she does not remember this episode".

The article also did not mention that Stier was one of the lawyers representing former President Bill Clinton during Ken Starr's investigation of the president in the 1990s. Kavanaugh was part of the Starr team.

"Was not it relevant to note that he was Brett Kavanaugh's opposing counsel during the legal proceedings against Monica Lewinsky? I just do not understand why they did not put this information in the article, "said Scarborough.


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