MORTAL KOMBAT 11 adds T-800, Joker and Spawn from TERMINATOR


Deadly fight is back. The eleventh installment of the franchise celebrates the long and deadly players who have traveled the Earth and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with a striking story that allows users to battle with different versions of their favorite characters from different generations. It's an absolutely perfect premise for the new playable warrior to join the battle, for if anyone knows what it's like to switch between the past and the future in an attempt to save the world of total annihilation, it's Arnold Schwarzenegger's T-800's terminator frankness, who presents himself with his grizzled beard to teach new tricks to old martial artists. And it will be joined by two iconic characters from the comics who also embark on the fray: The Joker and Spawn.

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PlayStation announced their Deadly fight The list of 11 downloadable packs with a cool new trailer, and in addition to the white-haired T-800s, Joker and Spawn, also reveals that the original villain, Shang Tsung, will also be back for stealing souls. He will be accompanied by two other characters from the classic franchise, Nightwolf and Sindel. The Native American Nightwolf made his first appearance in Mortal Kombat 3, just like Sindel, the mother of Princess Kitana. The downloadable content pack also includes a skin and hardware for each of the six new characters, plus 19 additional skins for the game.

We know that some will still prefer their original appearance, but we think the appearances of both characters are better than ever. This also applies to the T-800 and Spawn. We are absolutely not sure to say that for the Joker, who looks more like a cosplay as Crown Prince than at Gotham's real threat. Although, in all fairness, we would not be stunned by the joke and it turns out to be very different from what it seems to be.

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAAAIBRAA7" class = "hidden lazy" data-lazy-type = "iframe" data-lazy-src = ""alt =" "/>

Maybe it will end up being the T-1000 disguised, which is why the T-800 has arrived. We do not need to travel in the future to know that it would be great.

Image selected: PlayStation


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