'Mortal Kombat 11' Full Roster Leaked


Mortal Kombat 11's full roster has reportedly leaked (again), revealing who may be in the game's final launch roster.

The leak first surfaced the game's official Reddit page, but was promptly removed for unclear reasons. However, it was removed, Reset Era user NeoRaider snapped a picture of the leaked roster and shared it with the forum.

Below, you can see the entire leaked roster (SPOILERS ahead):

Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 6.39.39 PM
(Photo: NetherRealm Studios via Reset Era)

As you can see, this one seems pretty legit. Interestingly though, it seems to be pulled from an earlier build, which explains some of the no pictures. Meanwhile, the empty slots are likely for DLC characters.

If this leak is accurate then Mileena, Shang Tsung, and Shinnok, the two secretaries will be hinted at in the past.

Again, if this leak is accurate, it's going to be a few fans upset about the lack of some major and expected fighters. For example, there's no Rain or Reptile included. And while it is possible that they will both be popping as DLC, many will surely be bummed they, among other characters, will not be available from the jump.

Of course, all of this should be taken with a grain of salt. Even if this particular leak looks legit, it's still a leak, and I've seen many leaks that are all gone wrong.

Mortal Kombat 11 is in development for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Barring any last-second delay, it will be released on April 23, priced at $ 59.99 USD.

For more news, information, and media on the highly-anticipated fighting game, please click here.


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