Most Americans don’t like politics in Super Bowl commercials


The billboard features former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick near Raymond James Stadium ahead of Super Bowl LV. (Patrick Smith, Getty Images)

Most Americans don’t like to see the political statements made by brands, according to a new poll on the next big game in commercial advertising.

A Morning Consult poll conducted Jan. 25-26 asked dozens of Super Bowl questions, ranging from the halftime show to whether watching the game is even a big deal this year. And of course, lots of questions about the ads. The Super Bowl is the super bowl of publicity, so it makes sense that this is a big part of the pre-game polls.

Of the many questions relating to advertising, the first concerned political content in brand advertisements. Specifically, ask “In general, do you think it is appropriate for brands or businesses” to “make political statements”.

In adults, only 13% rated it as “very appropriate” and 23% responded that it was “somewhat appropriate”. But 23% said it was ‘not too appropriate’ and that most, 28%, selected “not at all appropriate”. A majority find the political messages in branded advertisements as “inappropriate”.

Also in the poll, respondents were asked about their enjoyment of watching Super Bowl commercials in particular that make a political statement.

A little seven% of respondents said they liked these ads “a lot”, and only 15% said they liked them “a little”. A larger 21% said they didn’t like them “very much”, but a huge 41% said they didn’t like them at all.

It’s 62% who don’t like them or, to put it another way, only 7% of people really Enjoy it.

In a somewhat contradictory result, the survey found that 59% of Americans find the social justice messages in advertising at least somewhat appropriate, compared to 28% who find these messages “inappropriate” to some extent in branded advertising. .

On the topic of social justice messages in Super Bowl ads in particular, 20% of adults said they enjoy watching these ads “a lot” and 25% said they enjoyed them “a little”. There were 13% who said they didn’t like them “a lot”, and 24% said they didn’t like them “at all”.

These are close numbers, with social justice slightly more favorable than unfavorable, but with more people strongly against that strongly for. Nonetheless, a markedly different result from questions of political declarations.

Naturally, when you break it down, the results vary across different demographics. For example, men were less likely than women to benefit from social justice advertisements, but more likely than women to appreciate political statements.

Republicans by far dislike political statements in Super Bowl commercials (68% to 12%). Democrats also don’t broadly like political statements in advertisements, but the margin isn’t as steep (51% to 34%).

Among Republicans, advertisements that promote social justice are do not appreciated (60%) much more than we like (24%), while the reverse is true with Democrats, who largely appreciate (66%) social justice messages in advertisements, rather than not taking advantage of them (20%).

There was also a pause by party on the issue of advertisements that promote civil rights.

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