Mother tears up high school decision to force athletes to wear ankle monitors: “There was no consent”


A mother in Washington state said Thursday she was “horrified” her daughter’s high school fails to notify parents that athletes are wearing ankle monitors as part of an effort to enforce social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“I dropped my daughter off for volleyball practice on Monday. She’d texted me saying, ‘Hey, mom, they’re putting me on an ankle monitor. It’s really weird. “That’s how I found it,” Nicci Hadman told “Fox & Friends”.

Hadman contacted Eatonville High School to confront the athletic director about the ankle monitors.

“He indeed told me that he put a follow-up monitor on my child. He apologized and said he would speak to the trainer who did it. It was very short and sweet. . There was no response or who was responsible or what repercussions there were. “

“There was no consent,” Hadman added.


The Eatonville school board has put aside the ankle monitor program for athletes after parents push back.

The pushback came from parents during a meeting at Eatonville High School Stadium on Wednesday.

The Eatonville School board of directors announced on Wednesday that its proximity monitoring program for student-athletes will be suspended until a final decision can be made by parents and students.

Eatonville High School attempted to monitor the movements of coaches and athletes in higher contact sports using proximity monitors.

Depending on the district, the proximity monitors provide information on the contacts made during the practice of high contact sports. This information helps the school determine who may need to be quarantined if they test positive for COVID-19.

“These have been put aside. We will not put them back at all. What we are going to do is allow the coaches and parents to make the decision,” said the director of the school board of Eatonville, Matt Marshall.

According to an FAQ on the district’s website, the monitors do not track students. Instead, the monitors contain radio sensors that track the distance between people wearing the device as well as the time spent near each other. Monitors, according to the district, are only worn while playing sports, ”K5 reported.


Hadman posted the tracker on social media, which caught the attention of former Seattle city council candidate Ari Hoffman. Hoffman said he contacted Hadman “right away”.

Hoffman then called a friend who was a member of the Eatonville school board. Hoffman said the school board was “just as surprised as anyone else.”

“They knew this program was being considered, but they didn’t know it had been implemented. It appears that the school superintendent and the athletic director took it upon themselves to implement this program and the school board had no idea that this was actually finalized and underway at the school itself- same, ”Hoffman said.

Hadman went on to say, “They’re upset that I’m taking the kids’ football season away, which is absolutely not what I’m trying to do. If these parents want to have these tracers on their kids, that’s theirs. okay, not mine. My kid wears absolutely no. And I would never accept that and I had no choice whether she was going to wear it or not. And I think that is completely wrong and absolutely horrible. “


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