Mother warns parents after wound of ill son turns out to be a sign of sepsis


She wants other parents to know that if a child is sick, they should not ignore it.

Because of their developing immune system, children get sick all the time. In many cases, it does not matter, but parents are often cautious and take their child to the doctor when something seems strange.

The British mother Alexandra Ruddy is happy to have done so, as it ultimately saved her son's life.

As the mother explained in a Facebook message in late May, her 8-year-old daughter fell to the zoo, leaving him with a few injuries to the arm and elbow. She tried to make sure that her cuts were not infected by cleaning them once they got home and asking her son's school to thoroughly wash their hands after digging for a day at home. theme of the farm. "I did everything to keep her clean," she wrote.

Although her son's injuries did not seem infected, she became worried when she noticed that they had gotten fat. She wrote that, going to the beach about a week after the fall, she saw a red line stalking her vein and elbow. The son of her friend who contracted sepsis two years ago, she decided to take her child urgently in case, even if she had confessed to feeling "a little silly".


Signs that your cut is infected

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There are particles still stuck in your skin

Depending on the circumstances that caused your scratches, such as falling on a gravelly roadway, it is possible that small particles settled in the affected area. According to Sonoa Au, MD, of Advanced Dermatology, P.C., it is essential to immediately remove particles or dirt from your wound during the cleaning process. in New York and New Jersey, or you could have an infected break. "However," she adds, "if you realize that you have to dig your skin to get rid of everything that is stuck, consult a doctor." Do not assume that it is helpful to scrub your skin or that the dirt works. his exit – and certainly do not make these other dangerous first aid mistakes. If in doubt, ask a health care professional to clean and evaluate your scrapes or cuts.

You used soap to clean your skin

Surprised to see soap on the list? This is one of the common health products that can be dangerous for you and your family. A regular hand soap can sometimes irritate the skin, which can slow down the healing process and, consequently, lead to an infected cut. Of course, the way everyone reacts to different cleaners differs from person to person, but why try their luck when we take care of cutting or scratching you? Best is not to use hard ingredients. "Use a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil to clean the area," suggests Dr. Au.

You jumped the bandage

If you think it's a good idea to let your skin "breathe" after cleaning a cut or a scratch, think again. Dr. Au explains that exposing your skin this way carries an infection. "The new cells have to migrate to the appropriate areas to help healing," says Dr. Au. "Keeping your scratches covered and wet makes this process easier. Exposing the wounds to the air is not. The best way to heal quickly and prevent infections is to keep the wound hydrated with ointments like Neosporin, Vaseline or Aquaphor. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, "Vaseline prevents the sore from drying out and forming a crust; wounds with scabs take longer to heal. "However, following these tips can accelerate healing to get rid of this crust.

Your cut is very deep or was caused by a rusty metal

Getting a deep wound in general, especially because of the rust of metal, does not guarantee that you will develop an infected cut, but it does mean that you need to see a doctor immediately. Do not try to solve this kind of cuts or scrapes yourself at home. In these cases, Dr. Au strongly wants you to see a doctor because you will probably need stitches or, at least, extra attention, beyond the home application of vaseline and a bandage. Here's what to do when you can not see a doctor with a survival specialist.

Redness around the affected area persists

It is perfectly normal for the skin around the cut or scratch to look different for a while: the redness, some pains and even the appearance of tissues combined for pus (later) are often up to . According to Dr. Au, the warning sign to watch for is that one of these symptoms seems to worsen rather than improve. A redness around a cut or a scratch is a sign of healing, for example. But when this color persists or spreads significantly, it may have been infected. Consult your doctor as soon as possible – and make sure you do not pick or rub your injury.

Your pain does not falter

Obviously cuts and abrasions hurt a bit – some are very painful. But if your pain persists to a point that seems abnormal or intensifies instead of gradually improving, Dr. Au tells you it's time to contact your doctor about a possible infection. These are other painful signals that you should almost never ignore.

Pus is fragrant or green

If you develop pus after a cut or scratch, you need to pay attention to two things: its color and its smell. If you notice green and / or nauseating pus, this is the sure sign of an infected cut that should require you to call your doctor. But a yellow-ish substance on your cut or scratch? No need to worry. Dr. Au says that in this case, what you see is actually a tissue called granulation tissue, which is part of the healing process and should not be confused with pus. Here are some other signs of skin irritation to watch for.

You feel sick

Although it seems that the signs of a skin infection are limited to your skin, this is not always the case. As the infection spreads, your body organizes a stronger counterattack – which can cause systemic symptoms such as fever, nausea, confusion or simply feeling sick (did you know that 39, there is a reason why you are cold when you have a fever?) If everyone is different if you feel bad after a persistent sore, consult a doctor for an evaluation of your skin and its symptoms. Your infected cut could become more serious.

When your infection becomes more serious

Skin infections can escalate into a serious threat, which can happen literally overnight. Staphylococcal infections are one example. According to the Mayo Clinic, these infections are caused by Staphylococcus bacteria, a germ that is usually found on the skin of healthy people. They are not usually problematic; it's when the bacteria invade your body that a staph infection can become deadly by creating toxicity in your bloodstream. Cellulite is one of the types of infections caused by staphylococcal bacteria. It is characterized by redness, swelling, sores or oozing areas of a run – usually confined to the feet and lower legs. Impetigo is another skin infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria. It is a contagious and painful rash that usually results in large blisters, oozing fluid and an amber crust. Be sure to consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms or if you think your infection is getting worse. He may prescribe antibiotics or drain areas of your skin to improve your condition. Do not miss these silent symptoms of sepsis or blood poisoning. It could just save your life someday.



When the doctor examined his son, he announced the news. Red hunt was a sign of blood poisoning or sepsis, a life-threatening illness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sepsis occurs when an existing infection "triggers a chain reaction throughout your body". If you do not get treated fast enough, it could quickly cause tissue damage, organ failure and death. On the CDC website, the signs mentioned include high heart rate, fever, chills, and cold, and symptoms include confusion or disorientation, shortness of breath, extreme pain or discomfort, and clammy skin. or sweaty. In addition to treating the source of the infection, sepsis patients also receive antibiotics and receive oxygen and intravenous fluids to maintain blood flow and oxygen to the organs.

Alexandra wrote that the doctor had congratulated her for consulting her son so quickly after noticing the red tracing because things would have gone bad for her child if she had waited longer. "This is not something you can" leave "until Monday when the doctors will be back in the office," she wrote.


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Like her friend who, telling her story about her son who contracted sepsis, helped Alexandra save her son's life, the British mother hopes to pay her back. "If you see that red line that leaves from an injury along the vein, get yourself seen right away, as well as your child." My post might be able to help someone like my own. friend from there two years ago, "she writes.

As for his son? When she wrote the note, which now has 97,000 shares, she said her son was responding well to antibiotics and was feeling better.


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