MotoGP, Dall & Igna: "The Ducati gives every runner the chance to win"


Ducati took Marc Marquez on the Mugello podium and, with The victory of Danilo Petrucci, won his third consecutive victory on the Tuscan track with three different riders. In an interview with Sky, Gigi Dall & # 39; Igna expressed all his pride.

"It's fantastic, I'm happy and proud of the work that has been done in recent years. The Mugello is an extremely important race for Ducati because almost all our employees came to support us, and winning in front of them is really satisfying "

After the victory of Dovizioso in 2017 and that of Lorenzo last year, the third came with Danilo Petrucci. Much has been said about his future (since the Italian rider's contract will be in force in June), but what does Dall & # 39; Igna think of the Petrux season so far?

"Danilo has had a big race today, like at Le Mans, and he's done a good job from the start, but in the first races he missed a bit of Sunday. demonstrated that he could stay out of his face. Today, he was amazing. He seemed to be used to dealing with situations like this, but It was his first time to play a game for the victory. "

One of the "hot" topics of the day is Jorge Lorenzo's (calmed) explosion, which asked Honda for an easier-to-drive bike that was not designed solely for Marc Marquez. Is the Ducati a motorcycle made for all its riders?

"Our runners have different styles of ridingbut I think that one good bike must be able to give riders the opportunity to find the right configuration. I've always tried to make bikes like that and I'm happy like that because I think it's important that all your riders compete for the positions that count on each circuit. "


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