LSST cameras have 32 times the resolution of the best consumer shooters to get as much sky as possible. This is also the "largest CCD [charge coupled device] mosaic in the world ", according to the contractor who worked on it.To focus all this light, the telescope has a very wide field of view of 3.5 degrees in diameter and an extremely fast aperture, which gives it a huge angle of 319 square meters, "entundue" squared – three times more than the best telescopes today.
To do this, he will use three mirrors, the primary being 8.4 meters (28 feet) in diameter, the secondary to 3.4 meters and the tertiary to 5 meters. The challenge is to eliminate all the aberrations, it is there that the above objective comes into play.
<img alt = "LSST Objective L1" data-caption = "Objective of LSST L1" data-credit = "SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory" data-credit-link-back = "" data-dam-provider = "" data-local-id = "local- 1-4588022-1568908431063" data-media-id = "62cb87ce-5e12-470b-a345-b1dd66c0499b" data-original-url = "https://s.yimg.com / os / creatr-uploaded-images / 2019- 09 / 96fe4640-daf5-11e9-acfb-c0e24e9fe23b "data-title =" Objective LSST L1 "src =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?crop = 2047% 2C1304% 2C0302% 2C0% 2C61 & quality = 85 & format = 85 & format = 85 & format = 85 & format = 85 & format = 85 & format = 85 & format = 85 & format = 85 & format = 85 & format = 85 & format = 85 & form = en jpg & resize = 1600% 2C1019 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F. 2im.yimg.com% 2Fos% 2Fcreatr
SLAC has stated that the 1.55 meter (5.1 feet) L1 lens shown above is the "largest high performance optical lens ever manufactured". It was designed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) based on work spanning nearly two decades, and manufactured using advanced optical systems. It was built by Ball Aerospace and its subcontractor, Arizona Optical Systems, with the L2 parallel lens of 1.2 diameter, after a five-year process.
"The success of manufacturing this unique optical package demonstrates the expertise of LLNL, a world leader in the field of optical optics, built on decades of experience in building the most powerful laser systems and the most powerful in the world, "said physicist Scot Olivier.
The camera itself is the size of a small car and weighs over three tons. Each produced image will produce a gold mine for scientists, and the LSST should detect about 20 billion galaxies over the next 10 years, while creating accelerated films that could reveal changes in galaxies and stars.
The images will not only benefit scientists. "Anyone with a computer will be able to fly over the universe with objects passed 100 million times weaker than can be observed at the naked eye." SLAC and LSST hope that it will become a platform for astronomical discoveries from many users. The LSST is expected to begin digitizing the southern skies by 2023.
As it is a precious piece of glass, transferring it from Tucson, Arizona to SLAC's National Accelerator Laboratory at Menlo Park was a bit of an event, according to the SLAC Flickr site. And yes, it was apparently shipped by FedEx.
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