Mozilla bug puts Tor Browser users in chaos – Naked Security


Update. After the publication of this article, we were able to recover Firefox 66.0.4, which claims to solve this problem by repairing a broken chain of certificates. We have not yet received a notification regarding an update to the Tor Browser, but we hope to see one soon. [2019-05-05T22:15Z]

It's a long weekend in the UK, so the atmosphere is relaxed …

… With the exception, we suspect, British members of the Mozilla Firefox programming team.

Mozilla is currently stuck in the middle of a cybersecurity blunder involving digital signatures.

The bug reports we've seen so far do not give much more detail than the "Expired Intermediate Certificate" issues, but the symptoms are obvious, especially for Tor users.

We were not affected by this bug immediately: we were out of the grid yesterday and left our computer kit at home. (Nothing Bear Gryllsy, you understand, we went to Bristol aboard Brunel's famous Great Western Railway to visit a bicycle lounge, but we left our mobile phone entirely by mistake.)

But today, shortly after activating the Tor browser, a special version of Firefox with many privacy-enabled settings enabled and built-in, we received a disturbing contextual warning.