Mozilla has had a difficult night with add-ons going off due to an expired certificate



If you wake up this morning to find that all of your Mozilla Firefox add-ons have expired, you're certainly not alone. A major error revealed that Firefox users found that most add-ons were disabled.

Add-ons such as Netflix, Amazon Assistant, Greasemonkey, Ghostery, NoScript, uBlock Origin, and many other popular browser add-ons have been disabled at midnight … An intermediate signing certificate has expired with an invalid signature. For some reason, Mozilla had not planned in advance and sent a renewed certificate in advance. Thanks!

The developers of Mozilla are struggling now this weekend to solve the problem. A few minutes ago, users with the Mozilla feature for Normandy should find a new intermediate certificate sent. This should allow the add-ons to start working for the next hours while continuing to package a new certificate for other Firefox users.

More details about this current problem can be found via this bug report on Mozilla. Mozilla seems to have people working on this problem throughout the weekend, so hopefully the problem will be fully resolved soon, for those who use Firefox add-ons.

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