Mr. Night Shyamalan makes two new thrillers for Universal


We do not know anything about them yet, but we are excited.

With his Unbreakable trilogy firmly in the background, it's time for director Night Shyamalan to reflect on his next project. Or projectsIn the plural, it turns out that, according to Variety, Shyamalan has just signed an agreement with Universal to write and direct two new thrillers, one arriving in February 2021 and the other in February 2023.

Peter Cramer, president of Universal Pictures, said:

"Mr. Night Shyamalan continues to create exciting and highly original stories that keep world audiences at the edge of their seats. There is no one like him: he is a filmmaker working at full speed and we are honored that he once again chose Universal to host his next two incredible projects. "

The Variety Report says nothing of either project, apart from the fact that they will be "thrillers". Could both be connected? This is not on the outside the realm of the possible, but that would seem to be the kind of thing that they would announce at the beginning, no? I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

While we wait: where did you land Glass? What would you like Shyamalan to do next? Do you think we are looking for a duology here? Ring and speculate in the comments below and stay tuned to learn more about these two projects as new updates become available.


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