MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow reveals she had surgery to remove skin cancer: “I’m going to be perfectly fine”


MSNBC host Rachel Maddow kicked off her show Wednesday by revealing that she had undergone surgery to remove skin cancer.

Maddow began to bring up the “personal question” remembering how she went to a minor league baseball game “a few months ago” and how her partner Susan “threw me in the neck” and had noticed how her mole “had changed”.

After quickly dismissing Susan’s concern, Susan told Maddow, “No, that mole has changed. We’ve been together for 22 years, this mole has changed. I know that” and put it on. challenge to ask her hairstylist to see if she would notice the change, which she did.


“Long story short: Susan was right, Diane was right. I went to the dermatologist… I did a biopsy, it turned out to be skin cancer,” Maddow said. . “Skin cancer accounts for the vast majority of cancers diagnosed in the United States, and the vast majority of skin cancers are removable, treatable. But here’s the thing I’m going to tell you. Even the most common types of skin cancer. deadliest now, the ones that are – you know, that love to spread to other parts of your body, the ones that are really trying to kill you, even skin cancers which are the deadliest skin cancers in the country , these two are way more treatable than before being with one condition – whether you get them early. Even the most disturbing forms of skin cancer. If you identify it early enough, it is now quite treatable. . The progress over the past few years has been by leaps and bounds. Skin cancer, like me said, there are many different types of skin cancer. Even the worst are eminently more treatable than before. if you get them early, they are almost all complete. highly treatable. “

Maddow “presented” viewers with her bandage after the operation she said she had on Friday, explaining that it had led to her absence since then.

“I’m going to be absolutely fine. I’m going to be totally fine, but that’s why I have a bandage,” Maddow said.

The MSNBC host said she “felt great” after the operation but hadn’t appeared on air later that night so now viewers were “weird” by the visual of her bandage, but did said she had “asked” to return to her show on Wednesday.

“I want to take this moment to tell you something, is that you should be checked out,” Maddow pleaded to his viewers. “If you have moles like me, just make a schedule with your doctor. Schedule a check-up now with your doctor and then, when your doctor tells you that you’re fine, but you should do it every year, put it on the calendar in your phone for a year, then come back for that appointment. regular. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? You know there are all of these things that you should check back regularly, and you do it once and never again because they tell you you’re okay, that’s this guy. It was only by the grace of Susan that I found mine in enough time for it to be fully treatable. Because I missed my dates forever to get stuff like that checked out because I assumed it will always be okay. Well, in this case, it was Susan who checked it for me. And thank goodness. Not everyone has a Susan, I recognize that. ”


“And you need to get this stuff checked out by a doctor. Don’t let it go. Honestly, this is the easiest doctor’s appointment in the world of all the things you go to the doctor for… Again once a lot of americans got skin cancer deadliest skin cancer killer would love to try and kill you if you don’t catch them and they run wild as you go to the doctor, if you get it early, you can kill it instead of killing yourself, ”Maddow added.


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