Mueller presents evidence of "obstruction of justice": Jerrold Nadler


Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the US House of Representatives, said on Thursday that Robert Mueller's special council's investigation report on Russia mentioned "troubling evidence" that President Trump is would be found guilty of obstruction of justice. Nadler also accused Attorney General William Barr of undermining his own department in order to protect Trump. He said it was ridiculous and misleading for Barr to say that Trump was "free from any wrongdoing". Barr is scheduled to testify before the committee on May 2nd. Nadler asked Mueller to testify before the committee because "we can not believe what Barr is telling us." Nadler also said the report shows that Mueller has chosen not to lay charges, in part because of a Ministry of Justice that a sitting president can not be indicted.


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