Mueller states that a former Trump campaign leader continues to assist "several ongoing investigations"


"Gates continues to cooperate in a number of ongoing investigations and, therefore, the parties do not believe it is appropriate to begin the sentencing process at this time," said the record, noting that that the situation has not changed since the last update in January. .

There was strong speculation that Gates' cooperation would stop this week, given the federal lawsuit against long-time partner Paul Manafort. Gates was a star witness in this case and testified against Manafort, sentenced by two judges to serve a total sentence of 7.5 years in prison for financial fraud.

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The record suggests that Gates could still be useful beyond Manafort and that some investigators still want Gates' cooperation. Whether it is Mueller or the attorneys of the Southern District of New York, or perhaps from elsewhere, is not entirely clear. If Gates was no longer needed, the parties would probably have asked to set a date of conviction.

The filing comes amid signs that Mueller is currently finishing his job and will deliver his final report to Attorney General William Barr regarding his investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election. completed even though investigations are underway elsewhere, particularly in the southern district of New York.

On Thursday, Mueller's spokesman confirmed that Attorney General Andrew Weissmann, who was leading the proceedings against Manafort and Gates, would leave the team. He will teach at New York University, reported CNN.

Gates pleaded guilty in February 2018 to conspiring for his lobbying work with Manafort in Ukraine. Since then, Mueller's team is asking the judge to delay his conviction five times while assisting the investigation.

Gates was also a senior official of Trump's inaugural committee, working under one of Donald Trump's close friends, Tom Barrack. CNN previously reported that Manhattan federal prosecutors were investigating this inaugural committee and sent a subpoena to appear before the committee earlier this year, asking for documents about its donors, suppliers and finances.


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