Mueller's report has not changed in the United States about Trump: NBC / WSJ poll


Robert Mueller

Larry Downing | Reuters

Up to now, at least, the publication of the Mueller report has not changed the public opinion a bit about President Donald Trump.

This is the conclusion of the latest NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll, conducted as a result of the public release of a redacted version of the findings of the special advocate Robert Mueller on Russia's interference in the election of 2016 and the risk of obstruction of justice since. Eight out of ten Americans say they have heard the news, but virtually no mind has changed.

"The public has reached a suspended jury," said Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster who runs the NBC / WSJ poll with his Republican counterpart Bill McInturff. "Not innocent, not guilty, no consensus."

Six in ten say Trump has not told the truth about Russian interference, which is the level recorded in recent months. Believes a little more than one in three, a group consisting mainly of his Republican supporters.

Twenty-nine percent say Mueller has cleared the president of the wrongdoing, a proportion identical to the one who had predicted it before the release of the report. A majority of 42% says Mueller has not cleared Trump, while 29% remain unsure.

Moreover, no number has moved on the issue of potential dismissal by Congress.

Only 17% say the House has enough evidence to begin imputation hearings, which is virtually identical to the answers given to the same question in March. Another 32% would like the Congress to continue its investigation and decide later on its dismissal.

This means that 49% want Congress to drop the issue. An equal percentage of 48% has heard enough to say categorically that the House should not proceed with the impeachment process.

Americans make shared verdicts in the same way when they contemplate the possibility of future interference in the elections of a foreign power such as Russia. Three-quarters say they have "just" or no confidence in the fact that the US government could prevent any interference. Yet less than half, 45%, say they are very or somewhat worried about it.

Overall, the public status of Trump remains little changed. The proportion of people approving the president's performance has slightly increased to 46%, while 51% disapprove.

But his professional qualification has been evolving in a narrow band for some time now. The slightly improved position of Trump corresponds to his figures from February, before the publication of Mueller's report.

The president enjoys a strong recognition for his management of the US economy, which continues its strong recovery over the last decade of the recession and the financial crisis. A majority of 51% approve of Trump's economic performance, while 41% disapprove.

This reflects the dividends of the strong growth in gross domestic product (+ 3.2%) recorded in the first quarter of 2019 and the strength of the labor market, which created 263,000 additional jobs in April. Two years ago, before growth accelerated as a result of the December 2017 tax cuts, Trump 's position on the economy rose to 44%, compared with the previous year. 46% of disapproval.

NBC / WSJ surveys conducted the telephone survey of 900 adults from April 28 to May 1. It has a margin of error of 3.27 percentage points.


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