Music Publishers Say Peloton Stole More Music and Requests $ 300 Million


The National Association of Music Publishers (NMPA) has asked the courts to allow it to double its claims against Peloton, the startup of the area of ​​apartment bikes and carpets. after discovering unlicensed music, including songs by Taylor Swift and Kesha, used in playful workout videos. integrated screens of motorcycles. He is now claiming $ 300 million in damages, as reported Forbes.

The original complaint, filed in March, accused Peloton of having used more than 1,000 songs without getting the proper license. At the time, the NMPA had claimed $ 150 million in damages. After the lawsuit, the offending songs disappeared, which displeased owners of connected training equipment who had become accustomed to their beloved playlists.

But no all the songs are gone, as reported by The edge. Here's what the NMPA has to say about it:

Indeed, it was only as a result of the initial discovery in this lawsuit that the breach and scope of Peloton's illegal crime began to focus, revealing more than 1,000 additional musical works. […] These newly discovered works include some of the most famous and popular songs ever recorded, such as "Georgia On My Mind", "I Can See For Miles" and "I Saw Her Standing There".

Popular music is at the heart of Peloton's business model. The company, which is due to go public later this year, allows people to replicate the experience of being in a classy workout session class without ever leaving their living room. If investors agree that the price of the company's IPO is correct, the brand could reach $ 8 billion.

Platoon tells The Hollywood journalist that the new demands of the NMPA are only growing, however:

NMPA has again revealed its anticompetitive objective in this area. In March, the NMPA requested an accelerated test schedule, to which Peloton immediately subscribed. On the eve of court ordered mediation, the NMPA attempted to change the focus of its trial by filing new, exaggerated demands prior to mediation while transparently planning its filing to take advantage of the court 's decision. Peloton's inability to respond publicly in detail during our period of calm … We will continue to defend ourselves against the claims made on this subject and hope to pursue our counterclaims.

You can read the full amendment requested by the NMPA below.


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