My Galaxy Fold screen is damaged after a day – TechCrunch


The new Samsung rebooted Galaxy arrives this week with just one job: it just does not break. I had already spent thousands of words explaining the product details the first time. This round, on the other hand, was more about making sure everything worked.

Last April, I was among the critics whose device worked perfectly. I had no problem with the original Fold around the Bay Area, much to the amusement of curious colleagues. Samsung recovered the devices shortly after, because the problems with other units had sent it back to the drawing board, but mine remained intact.

This time, though, I have not been so lucky. I took out the crease from my pocket by queuing at CVS after work the other day. I opened it and spotted something new nestled between the swinging butterfly wings of the lock screen. There was an amorphous drop with bright colors. You can see it on the picture at the top of the story (as well as in the enlarged version below). It's not huge. It may be a little less than one centimeter in diameter and it's a bit difficult to photograph.

close the fold

In the grand scheme of first-generation collapsible display problems, it's not huge, judging from the photos of those who had problems with the first model. In this case, the peripherals have been returned with the entire hidden side (often the result of peeling a laminate resembling the protective layer delivered with the peripherals). Nevertheless, after about 27 hours, the device no longer looks good, since it did not fall on concrete, nor in the water, nor trampled. And smack dab placement in the center mitigates the effect of a 7.3-inch screen.

If I had to guess, I would say that you have to press the display to close the device that did it. Since then, Samsung has recovered the device and will dismount (probably in Korea) to find out what's wrong. We will update accordingly.

We can not say that society has not warned us. As I noted the other day, Samsung released a video before its launch, advising users to "just touch lightly", black and white note footnote, "N & # Do not exert excessive pressure. "The Fold itself contained many warnings against:

  • Excessive pressure
  • Place objects as keys on the screen before folding
  • Expose the fold to water or dust
  • Add your own screen protector to the existing screen protector
  • Keep the device close to easily disabled objects such as credit cards and implanted medical devices

There was nothing inside the device when it was folded. I did not wet or feed it after midnight, and the layer of laminate was not damaged, so I can not really say exactly what happened here. And although the screen is certainly still usable, I think I would probably … pissed off if I had just paid $ 2,000 for a handset and had to deal with a big drop of rainbow color in the center exact of the screen.

Part of the white glove service that Samsung is deploying here is a $ 149 screen replacement. We received a comment from Samsung about this, which looks like this particular problem. could do not fall into normal use that would not require additional charges. Here is what the company has to say on the subject:

We have seen an enthusiastic response to the launch of Galaxy Fold in several markets in recent weeks. Thousands of consumers have been able to enjoy the unique experience that it offers.

The Galaxy Fold is a unique device, made with new materials and technologies that allows it to open and close like a book.

We encourage owners of Galaxy Fold to read the maintenance instructions included in the box and in the product manual available online. Products used in these guidelines are covered by the warranty. If they have any questions, Galaxy Fold owners can consult Samsung product specialists via the Galaxy Fold Premier Service at any time and every day.

The "products used in these guidelines are covered by the warranty" seems to be the relevant part here.

It is difficult to say how widespread these problems are. When the device officially goes on sale Friday in North America, there will be many more in the wild. We will then know more precisely if it was a very specific anomaly.

Anyone who reviews products for a living knows that this can happen. I've had test helmets that looked like electrified cans, to trade them with the company for real transactions. Overhaul units and commercial products may have manufacturing defects. Generally, such things are not of concern (and manufacturing issues are usually covered by warranties), but in this case, it is certainly worth emphasizing, given the history of the first-generation product with problems display.

We will certainly inform you of how this will happen and if the conclusion that Samsung ultimately reaches would fall under the guarantee of Fold's fine prints or if users would like to provide an additional budget of $ 149, in case.


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