My Hero Academia: 10 most versatile quirks, ranked


As a central feature that connects all other parts of My hero universityThe oddities are certainly largely attributed to the immense success of the series. You could argue that this simple yet complex power system is the only true MVP in the series – its role is so vital!

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The first and main weapon of a hero is his Quirk. It’s the same quirk that dictates a hero’s identity, status, and overall strength. In this sense, one could say that the level of convenience of each Quirk is directly proportional to the level of his hero. Single quirks that encompass multiple attributes and utilities are bound to be more effective than those based on a single attribute. Versatility is, after all, an irreplaceable asset that greatly increases the performance of a hero. The existence of so many capable heroes can only mean that My hero university no shortage of versatile quirks.

ten Half-cold half-hot (Shoto Todoroki)

Shoto Icy Hot My Hero Academia

While this quirk might seem attack-driven to most, it’s capable of a lot more. Besides high firepower, Shoto can use his ice to bind and immobilize his enemies.

He can also use ice to slide, adding more speed to his already fast speed. This quirk works well in all ranges of combat; although the midrange is where it really shines.

9 Dupli-Arms (Mezo Shoji)

Mezo Shoji with over a dozen ears

Dupli-Arms is a mutation-type quirk with a variety of uses. Mezo can reproduce any part of the body he chooses in place of his tentacles. The functions of the produced parts stack on top of each other, increasing their efficiency.

Additionally, this quirk also grants Mezo superhuman strength. With a pair of arms, he can exert a combined force of plus or minus half a ton.

8 Dark Shadow (Fumikage Tokoyami)

Anime My Hero Academia Tokoyami Dark Shadow Quirk Attack

Fumikage is My hero universitys knight of darkness. His Quirk, Dark Shadow, is just as sniper as his user. It’s not everyday that you see a Qurik with outright sensitivity. Not only is Dark Shadow smart, but he’s also fully capable of human speaking.

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Moreso, Dark Shadow’s area of ​​expertise is almost complete. Whether it is defense, attack or mobility; the dark entity covers them all under its wings.

seven Foldabody (Edgeshot)

Ninja Hero: Edgeshot rose through the ranks to second place relying on his multi-function Quirk, Foldabody. It’s an explicit Quirk that does exactly what it claims to do: folding.

Edgeshot is able to conveniently bend his body to accommodate any situation that comes his way. Increased mobility, sharp attacks, and elusiveness are a few perks that define this quirk.

6 Wave movement (Nejire Hado)

Nejire isn’t in the Big Three for nothing. His abilities, while inferior to his counterparts, can rival (if not surpass) most professional heroes. His versatile Quirk is fully equipped to counter most scenarios.

Wave Motion a Quirk suitable for attack, defense and mobility. Depending on Nejire’s output, the waves produced can be fierce enough for the bad guys to one hit, or gentle enough to float her gracefully.

5 Creation (Momo Yaoyorozu)

momo creating a steel beam

Creation is a quirk with a steep learning curve and an equally high reward. Once the initial obstacles are removed, the user could literally create solutions to their problems. The smarter the user, the more mastered the Quirk would be.

Momo has the intelligence to harness Creation’s immense potential. It will certainly take time, but the rewards are well worth it.

4 Ferocious Wings (Falcons)

Fierce Wings lives up to its name – he’s a fierce Quirk. It does everything the wings can and more! Flight and high mobility are the basics, while everything else is a side dish. This oddity can also manifest miniature ferocious wings (or rather feathers) with various uses.

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In addition, each individual feather is unimaginably crisp. For his attack, Hawks uses the telepathically controlled feathers as bladed weapons.

3 Permeation (Miriam civilians)

Great powers are often accompanied by great risks. Mirio’s permeation, on the other hand, is not considered a great power. It’s a quirk with extremely annoying side effects. Sufficiently risky to negate the abilities provided by the Quirk.

That said, Mirio – hands down one of the greatest characters in My hero university – succeeded in taming this Quirk and remodeling it into a tool that speaks of its glories. With Quirk’s time-consuming reform, Mirio has seen a huge leap in almost every stat.

2 One for All (Izuku Midoriya – Massive Manga Spoilers !!)

One For All may be straightforward and straightforward, but it hides layers of complexity under its giant shadow. This Quirk, in its most vanilla form, is one of the most versatile in the series.

And One For All in all its glory is even beyond that – really more ultra! Once Deku has unlocked the remaining Quirks / mastered them to their full potential, there will be no obstacles left on his way to # 1.

1 All for one (all for one)

Everything for a kamino

One For All might have remarkable versatility and everything, but it’s nowhere near the level of All For One. On its own, All For One is more or less useless. But once it works, it’s technically unmatched.

A Quirk that brings Quirk together is the epitome of versatility. Instead of having a decent Quirk in multiple departments, having multiple Quirks that are masters in their respective departments is the way to go. It’s no wonder All For One is nearly invincible. No case scenario can challenge its omnipotent Quirk.

NEXT: My Hero Academia: 5 Reasons All For One Is A Balanced Villain (& 5 Why He’s Overkill)

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