My new favorite way to play pinball on Switch


Today's publication of Zen Studios ยป Star Wars Pinball for the Nintendo switch I gave an idea. I play my switch connected and plugged into this pretty little Viotek portable 15.6-inch monitor, and the Zen Switch pinball games support vertical play, so what if we return the portable monitor? Perfection.

There are many normal sized monitors that can switch from landscape to portrait mode, but I do not have much space. And yes, I could simply play the switch in portable mode, as indicated by my boss and in 2017, but my eyes are no longer what they were and this 6.2 inch screen is not not really spacious. The slim portable monitor, tablet type, is the ideal solution.

Agree, may not be the perfect solution for screen captures, but to play in Tate mode (tate is in Japanese for vertical), especially on very detailed pinball tables like the 19 included in the $ 30 Star Wars Pinball package, the extra size of the screen is exquisite.

By the way, I did not know that Zen Studios had done as many Star wars the tables. I had to miss a few during my stay at the hospital, or maybe the newer movies did not get too excited to be excited by the links that united them. I do not know perhaps what it is that the … Battle of Mimbam? Mimban? It does not matter. I do not know what it is, but the pinball table based on it is fun to play. If you are in Star wars and the pinball, the game is definitely worth it. Zen's has added a career mode package and all sorts of online and offline challenges, giving all this pinball a goal.

In the meantime, I gave him a place. This is a place that will be shared by many other pinball games, as well as vertical scrolling shooters and anything that is compatible with the mode. I started my own vertical.


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