Mysterious problem with key rings and garage door openers in North Olmsted resolved


NORTH OLMSTED, Ohio – The mysterious problem of the keys and garage door openers in North Olmsted has been resolved, according to North Olmsted City Councilor Chris Glassburn.

For several weeks, residents of North Olmsted reported that their electronic keys and garage door openers had stopped working. The visitors also had problems when they entered the area.


Keychains and garage door openers mysteriously stop working in the North Olmsted neighborhood

Glassburn has begun an assisted survey of councilors Angelo Russo and Michel Kilbane of Fairview Park.

Initially, First Energy went into the neighborhood with sophisticated equipment to try to identify the source of the problem. Following these efforts, the investigation team went door-to-door to try to solve the problem.

The team discovered that the cause of the problem was a custom-made device inside a resident's home. The device, which has not been described in detail, but declared to be running on a "backup battery", has been identified and disabled.

The device was not created with malicious intent and the resident who built it has agreed to no longer create another, according to Glassburn.

Glassburn thanked the local security services, community members and teams who helped solve this unusual problem.


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