Nadler says that there is "a lot of evidence of obstruction" in the Mueller report, believes that Don Jr. should have been charged


The House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Jerry Nadler, D-NY, argued on Sunday that although Special Advocate Robert Mueller has decided not to accuse President Trump of obstructing the justice, he felt that there was still ample evidence of the obstruction of the president.

Nadler, who filed a subpoena for Mueller's full, unpublished report on Friday, said he could only be detained to charge Trump with justice because of the Justice Department's long view that a sitting president could not be charged.

"Mueller said that although a thorough investigation by the FBI may very well show evidence of obstruction of justice with the president," we will not do so because of the legal opinion of the ministry of Justice that a president, a president in office, can not be indicted and it would be unfair to present the facts justifying an indictment without giving the president the opportunity and the trial to clarify his name, "Nadler said Sunday during an appearance on" Meet The Press "on NBC.


He added: "[Attorney General William] Barr misinterpreted that, or misinterpreted what I should say, saying that they had not found any obstruction. There is a lot of evidence of obstruction. "

Nadler expects the Department of Justice to comply with his committee 's assignment regarding the full report by May 1st.

It's the same day that Barr is supposed to testify before a Senate committee and one day before appearing before Nadler's committee. Nadler also called Mueller to testify on May 23.

Justice spokeswoman Kerri Kupac described Nadler's approach as "premature and useless".

Barr has sent to Congress a redacted version of the Mueller report, masking several types of documents, including classified information, documents relating to ongoing investigations and testimony before a grand jury.

Nadler said last week that he was ready to work with the ministry on accommodations, but he also said the committee "needs the full report and underlying evidence in accordance with the practice earlier.


Mueller presented multiple episodes in which Trump ordered other people to influence or restrict the investigation of Russia after the appointment of the special advocate in May 2017, and Trump made it clear that he viewed the investigation as a potentially lethal blow – "the end of my presidency."

Nadler asked why Mueller did not file a complaint against President Donald Trump Jr.'s son for taking a meeting with Russian agents at Trump Tower to obtain compromising information about Trump's democratic presidential opponent. 2016, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"I do not understand why he did not accuse Don Jr. and other people at this famous criminal conspiracy meeting," Nadler said. "[Mueller] said that he had not charged them because you could not prove that they did not have the deliberate intent to commit a crime, well, you did not not to prove it. "

He added: "All you need to prove for conspiracy is that they went into a meeting of minds to do something and that they committed a manifest act." in a meeting of the spirits to attend a meeting to retrieve equipment stolen from Hillary.They went to the meeting.This is a conspiracy. "

The New York legislator also added that the idea of ​​an indictment of the House against the President was still on the agenda, even as some of his Democratic colleagues in the House had warned against premature action.


"It's proven that part of that would be faultless, yes. An obstruction of justice, if proven, would be flawless, "Nadler said. "We will see where the facts lead us."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Called for a methodical and progressive approach to House oversight of the Trump Government. She refuses to consider dismissal without public support, including from Republicans, which seems unlikely.

Speaking Friday in Belfast while Pelosi was finishing a congressional visit to Ireland, she declined to report any action going beyond the role of Congress as a check and balance for the White House.

"Let me assure you that, no matter what the problem and the challenge we face, the US Congress will honor its oath of office to protect and defend the United States Constitution in order to protect our democracy, "she told reporters. "We believe that the first article – Article 1, the legislature – has the responsibility to monitor our democracy and we will exercise it."

Associated Press contributed to this report.


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