Nadler threatens Barr to despise the Mueller report


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By Rebecca Shabad and Alex Moe

WASHINGTON – Jerrold Nadler, DN.Y., Speaker of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives, last Friday sent a final reply to Attorney General William Barr to obtain the full report of the Special Advocate. , accompanied by an ultimatum: The commission will initiate contempt proceedings.

"The Committee is ready to make every effort to reach an agreement with the Department. But if the Department persists in its baseless refusal to comply with a validly issued summons, the Committee will proceed to contempt proceedings and seek new legal remedies, "Nadler writes in a letter detailing the Democrats' new demands.

Nadler, who on April 19 issued a subpoena to the unpublished report of special advocate Robert Mueller and the underlying evidence, gave the Department of Justice a new response time Monday at 9 am HEY. Nadler's initial deadline for the department to comply with the subpoena was Wednesday.

The DOJ declined to comment.

In the letter of Friday, Nadler asked the GM to reconsider his refusal to allow all members of Congress and appropriate staff to examine the written portions of the report in a safe place, excluding the documents of the grand jury. The DOJ only allows 12 senior lawmakers to consult it, which the Democrats refused to do because they could not discuss it with their colleagues.

Nadler also asked the DOJ to work directly with Congress to obtain a court order regarding the grand jury record in Mueller's report, stating that there was a precedent for the courts to authorize publication. . However, Barr suggested in his testimony before the Congress that he had no interest in requesting the publication of the grand jury documents.

"Finally, it must not be forgotten that, by refusing to comply with congressional oversight requests, the Department repeatedly asserted that congressional demands were not serving" legitimate "purposes. This is not the judgment of the department to take, "Nadler said. "The constitutional interest, control and legislative interest of Congress in investigating the misconduct of the President and his associates can not be disputed."

Nadler's letter comes a day after Barr refused to appear at the hearing before the Judiciary Committee to discuss the Mueller case investigation. The Democrats said he had decided not to testify because of the conditions they had imposed to interrogate Barr in camera after a public appearance. Nadler still held the hearing and warned that "if he does not provide this committee with the information he requires and the respect he deserves, the time to report to Mr. Barr will come soon enough. "

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Said Thursday that Barr had committed a crime during a testimony last month in which the Attorney General had denied knowing about the concerns voiced by the 39, Mueller's team about the four-page summary of his 448-page report.

"He lied to Congress," she said. "If someone else did that, it would be considered a crime.Nobody is above the law – neither the President of the United States nor the Attorney General."


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