13 lingering major questions we have after seeing "Ant-Man and Wasp"


(Leading Spoilers forward for "Ant-Man and Wasp." Just for you to know.)

"Ant-Man and Wasp", Marvel Cinematic Universe Follow-up to "Avengers: Infinity War, "is finally here. But although it is certainly linked to the end of the "infinite war", it leaves us many more questions than answers about the situation as a whole.

Below you'll find a host of questions, mostly revolving around the film's cliffhanger mid-credits and what it could tell us about where we're heading next year in "Avengers 4" and "Captain Marvel". Let's go, because that's a lot.

1. How does the Kingdom of Quantum work?

We must first make everything connected, but it is a bit confusing and we are still working. We know very little about the Quantum Kingdom:

A) It does not obey the same laws of time and space as our world.

In the first "Ant-Man", Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) said that our notions of "time and space" are "irrelevant" in the quantum domain, and in "Ant-Man and the wasp" one says that time "works differently" there.

Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) clearly aged while she was trapped in the realm, but on the basis of this comment, it would be fair to guess that she did not get old. as usual. Perhaps for her, the passage of time was different in the Quantum Kingdom, so she lived a lot more than 30 years while there, or maybe for 30 years in the real world, her subjective time was shorter. Or maybe the time has passed in a non-linear way for her. Or maybe it is related to the other quirky information of Quantum Realm that she dropped: that you may encounter what she calls a "time swirl".

Anyway, it's different.

B) It's an Alternate Universe

Peyton Reed, Director of "Ant-Man and the Wasp" and "Ant-Man", gave some clues about what's the Quantum Realm , comparing it to a place called "Microverse" by Marvel Comics. "

" There are so many stories happening in the Microverse in comics, which is obviously the Quantum domain in the MCU, really about how there are other worlds and Civilizations and other things like that, "Reed told TheWrap. "There are some visual cues out there that if you look closely, you can see."

The Microverse is less a very small universe than an alternative parallel universe, complete with its own civilizations and peoples, accessible by shrinkage and passage through a membrane. Reed's comments suggest that there is much more to the quantum realm than what we have seen up to here, and that it is possibly inhabited by other people.

C) That makes … things to the beings who visit it.

Specifically, Janet van Dyne was trapped there for decades and survived – and when she was finally saved, she came back with super powers still indefinitely.

As you will see below, there are implications of all this that could mean great things in store for "Avengers 4."

2. So what are Janet's quantum powers?

"Ant-Man and the Wasp" is frustrating and lacks details about Janet Van Dyne's time in the Quantum Kingdom. What's she eaten? Why did she make a sword of her wings? Had she faced threats? And why did it age if the weather works differently?

The biggest thing is that Quantum's kingdom has changed it significantly, which she called "evolution," but we do not see any demonstration of this beyond her ability to stabilize Presence. quantum of Ghost (Hannah John-Kamen) and Hank Pym. If her body has evolved, then probably that could turn her into a type of superhero different from what she was as a Wasp. We just do not know what kind is still.

3. Does being in the Kingdom of Quantum change Scott as he did Janet?

Janet says something odd to Hank when he finally finds her in the Quantum realm and she stabilizes her quantum presence (not sure how to describe it) Janet calls the changes an "evolution" but apart from this stabilization movement, we do not yet know exactly what that means.

We assume that this implies some kind of change in his body. chemistry because it's full of quantum particles or anything now, and probably the same thing will happen to Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) if he stays stuck there for a while. But how will this happen and what will it mean for history?

These Quantum Kingdom abilities, related to things like Ghost's phasic power, seem to be very useful for dealing with Thanos in "Avengers 4" With Janet potentially out of the loop thanks to the clash of the fingers of Thanos, this could be a way for "Avengers 4" to make use of these Quantum Realm capabilities in a different way.

4. Could Janet's powers function in the Soul World?

It seems that everyone who turned into dust when Josh Brolin snapped his fingers just left, but we think these people are still alive in another dimension. : the world of the soul. This is a major element of the Marvel Comics stories "Infinity War" is adapted from, and a great moment in this film suggests that it is also what happens in the Marvel cinematic universe.

If that is indeed the case, Janet's presence could be a major joker thanks to the evolution that she has experienced in the quantum realm. His abilities are, potentially, unique in Marvel's film universe, and could perhaps still work in the Kingdom of Soul.

All of this is hard to do because there really is no cartoon character with them. kinds of powers in an equivalent scenario to compare. So unless "Captain Marvel" sheds light on this, we'll probably have to wait until "Avengers 4" to find out.

5. Does Janet's antenna in Scott's head still work?

Now that Scott is stuck in the quantum realm, all bets are off. We know so little about how things work, but what we do know is that people inside can communicate with people on the outside.

In "Ant-Man and the Wasp", we learn Janet and Scott. became "quantum entangled" when Scott went to the Quantum Kingdom in "Ant-Man", creating a psychic-psychic connection between them that remains even after Scott returns to the normal-sized world. This is how, when Hank and Hope briefly open the door to the quantum field, Scott suddenly remembers more details about his previous trip, and also makes a trip into Janet's memories.

Of course, Scott does not even seem to be aware that Janet has owned it, so it is safe to say that the rules of their intangible interactions are not firmly established. The main rule seems to be that a door to the Quantum Kingdom must be open, but now Scott is in the Quantum Kingdom and Janet is everywhere where people who have been wiped out by Thanos are going to – what we believe to be the World of The soul inside Soul Stone

We still do not know how these two dimensions interact, if any, but if the connection between Scott and Janet persists even after his arrival in the normal world, it could be possible established. This could help Scott understand how to navigate the quantum realm, and perhaps save the souls from the world, giving the surviving heroes a huge advantage in the fight against Thanos.

6. Have any of Janet's knowledge of the Quantum Kingdom been in Scott's mind?

If the answer to the previous question turns out to be "no", it is possible that Scott has returned to the Quantum Kingdom, He may remember important information from Janet on how to navigate the place.

In "Ant-Man and the Wasp," Scott did not remember that Janet possessed him, but there could very well be some kind of bleeding. effect of their connection – or even something that Janet might have left in her head for such a situation. After all, she was able to plan a lot of things in order to use Scott to get her out of the quantum realm, as if she were leaving that "antenna" in her head when he was going to the Quantum Kingdom the first time.

Or maybe there is a simpler answer to this question, or a simpler question …

7. Could Ant-Man meet an earlier version of Janet there -low?

We know very little about the Quantum Kingdom, but a great thing is that, as seen in "Ant-Man and the Wasp", real ideas mechanics is at stake.

For example , the concept of "quantum entanglement" that explains how Scott and Janet are connected is a real thing; too complicated for non-theoretical physicists (including us) to really understand, but basically the term describes the ability of some particles to interact with each other despite great distances, or appear to be in two places at the same time. Ghost's powers seem to be built on the same idea; his ability to "phasing" is likely to control the quantum state of his body, literally sending his molecules to different places, then back inside to get through the material. It's complicated.

We also know that time does not work the same way. And if the Quantum Kingdom is also a place of nonlinear time, as Hank suggested in "Ant-Man", and as elements like quantum entanglement are at stake, then this presents a strange possibility : Scott could find Janet in the Quantum Kingdom of before she was saved. Basically, the strange time rules of the Quantum Kingdom could mean that by no action on his part, Scott could experience time differently when he's out there than we know in the real world. This could mean that he finds himself at a time when Janet is still in the quantum realm – maybe even between the time they met, and her eventual rescue from the realm.

After all, Janet was apparently spinning around the party the quantum realm Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) fell during the first "Ant-Man", which means that she may not have still created this blade of her wings, we see her wearing at that moment. So Scott can find other allies (or enemies) that could potentially affect the outcome of "Avengers 4".

If so, Janet could provide Scott with a lot of information, and with the quantum tunnel still open, they could both potentially return to the real world, bypassing Thanos's snap.

8. Why does Janet know what a temporal whirlwind is?

Just before Ant-Man takes her foolish dive into the Quantum realm in the mid-credit scene, Janet warns Scott not to get carried away by the temporal whirlwind. One can not help wondering how Janet knows that something is a time vortex without personal experience with them – it seems like a time whirlwind would be a hard thing to identify on sight even for a scientist. Except for the possibility that someone there would tell him what they were – which is possible, especially since director Peyton Reed suggested that there are potentially civilizations in the Quantum Kingdom. – we would assume that Janet has vortexed herself, one way or another

If it's not she personally, maybe she's met Ant- Man of the present while traveling through one. If that's the case, it's also conceivable that not only did she see Scott, but she also went with him on adventures of traveling in "Avengers 4".

Which brings me to another very important question:

9. Did Janet know that Thanos was coming?

All this quantum material opens fundamentally unlimited possibilities. If time runs differently in the Real Quantum – or if she has met someone (like Scott) of the future – then it's quite possible for Janet to be aware of how "Infinity War" is playing before someone One of the other Earth knows what is happening. sure. She could very well have had her own quantum version of the visions of the future of Dr. Strange, as seen in "Infinity War".

In other words, perhaps the reason why Janet was strangely silent about her experiences in the Quantum Kingdom. in "Ant-Man and the Wasp", it's because, like Dr. Strange, she's seen things that she knows happen so that our heroes end up coming out victorious. At the very least, if his past himself has met with Scott in the quantum field, then it seems likely that he would explain the circumstances in which he got stuck there and she would know that it would not be possible. it must at least "complete". the loop, "so to speak, once it's out – Janet has to go back to the Quantum Kingdom in order to be discovered by Scott, saved by Hank, and then send Scott back to the Quantum Kingdom for both." To meet in his past B

But there are so many possibilities out of this line of thought that we should probably leave this question here: did Janet already know something about this cosmic conflict and if so, when did it know? [19659003] 10. Will Ant-Man still be stuck in the quantum realm at the beginning of "Avengers 4"?

While you may think that the answer to this question is obviously yes, because "Captain Marvel" is decades earlier and so it's not a story in which Ant-Man might appear, we do not think it's so simple. , it's because of Janet's vortices at swirling times

We think it's extremely possible that a whirlwind of time could put Ant-Man in the middle of the action in "Captain Marvel" – or at least in the middle of a post-scene of credits. The same question could also apply to Janet, if she has also gone through a time whirlwind at some point in the past.

11. Is the quantum tunnel traveled by Ant-Man at the end of the film still open?

Presumably this is the case, since Janet, Hope and Hank were disintegrated just before they left Scott. It's hard to know if this matters, but it seems like it might be important, especially given Janet's ability to interact with the real world while the tunnel was open during "Ant-Man and the Wasp."

12. Is Ghost and Bill Foster important for "Avengers 4"?

Ghost's quantum phasing is a potential changer in the war with Thanos, but it should be in this movie to play a role. We know from the mid-credits scene that Janet has not stabilized her permanently – Ant-Man goes into the quantum field to collect "healing particles" to help Ghost – so she probably has her abilities in to some extent, without the imminent threat But as far as we know, Laurence Fishburne and Hannah John-Kamen are not in "Avengers 4". That's not to say that they will definitely not – it just means we do not know. With such a massive cast, it would be easy for them to be lost in the fray, and Marvel has been known to hold potentially spoilery information like this. On the other hand, Janet's undefined quantum powers could serve the same purpose as Ghost. But Janet left from now and since we have not seen Ghost and Foster turn into dust, they are probably still there.

13. Was Sonny Burch's quantum technology buyer another potential villain?

This could be an article for an Ant-Man and Wasp movie that has not yet been announced or even discussed by Marvel Studios, rather than an "Avengers 4" article.Sonny (Walton Goggins) mentions that once he realized that Hank and Hope were working on quantum technology with all the black-market items that they were asking him, he lined up buyers for their lab.Never anyone with the kind of money and know-how to deal with quantum technology is probably a potentially important player in the Marvel world, which is full of scientists who accidentally create superheroes, become superheroes, and get into trouble, so who wanted Hank's quantum technology (and who also had the resources to pay for it, and was pretty shady to trust Burch to get it?) ), and what did they intend to do about it? [19659060] [ad_2]
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