& # 39; Meghalayan Age & # 39; is defined as the new phase in the history of the Earth


The mega-drought, which lasted 200 years, was probably the result of changes in ocean and atmospheric circulation.

The Holocene epoch is divided into three ages and one of them is the age Meghalayan, which is also known as the "upper Holocene". The Earth is now located in the Phanerozoic Eon, the Cenozoic Era, the Quaternary Period, the Holocene Era and the Meghalayan Age.

The Commission published an International Chronostratigraphic Map to show all divisions of the Earth's history of 4.6 billion years. for Meghalayan Age was floated six years ago, after separate chemical signals were detected for the transition to a new age in the stalagmites rising from the soil of the Mawmluh cave near Cherrapunji in northeastern India. 19659002] The Earth is now in a new geological age. "They were then approved by the International Sub-Commission on Quaternary Stratigraphy and the International Stratigraphy Commission before being forwarded to the UISG for ratification."

"This is the Scale of Geological Time that gives us an idea about the age of the Earth among others

It must be said however that the scientific community is concerned about the way in which the change was introduced.

The two oldest units of the Holocene were determined at their lower limit by the specific levels found, among ice cores in Greenland.This revealed that the planet has experienced a another massive change in climate about 4200 years ago, particularly at medium and low altitudes, was developed by a global team of Holocene scientists led by Mike Walker of the University of Wales. [19659002EvidencehasbeencollectedfromseveralsitesaroundtheworldbutthespecificstartingpointofthisageisbasedonthedifferencesofoxygenisotopesinastalagmitetakenfromtheworldsacaveinnortheasternIndiaItbeganwithadestructivedroughttheeffectsofwhichlastedtwocenturies and severely disrupted civilizations in Egypt, Greece, Syria, Palestine, in Mesopotamia, in the Indus Valley and in the Yangtze Valley. According to Mark Maslin, a professor of geography at the University College in London according to the BBC, they suddenly announced [the Meghalayan] and pasted it on the chart, "said Mark Maslin, Professor of Geography at University College . "Beautiful, I know!" Expressing his disappointment at the new stages of the ICS, he told the BBC: "We have many new definitions that may contradict the Anthropocene working group and go against what the most scientists perceive as the most important change on Earth over the last 10,000 years. "

The Meghalayan is unique because it is the first interval in the Earth's geological history that coincides with a major cultural event: recovering from climate change

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