5 foods to manage hypertension


High blood pressure is a condition in which the force of the blood against the walls of the arteries is too high. If it is not treated, high blood pressure or hypertension can even lead to a stroke and a host of other cardiovascular disorders. If one believes the findings of a recent study, high blood pressure could even have an impact on your brain. The study found that older people who have higher blood pressure may have more signs of brain disease, especially brain damage. The researchers in the study also suggested a link between high blood pressure and Alzheimer's disease.

The author of the study, Zoe Arvanitakis, said, "Blood pressure is changing with aging and disease, we wanted to see what impact this could have on the He added," We have studied whether blood pressure later in life was associated with signs of aging of the brain that include plaques and entanglements related to Alzheimer's disease, and brain lesions called infarcts, areas of the brain. Blood supply, which can increase with age, often goes unnoticed and can lead to a stroke. "

Healthy blood pressure is less than 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). The arterial hypertension is greater than 140/90 mmHg.
The study published in the journal Neurology, says that the risk of brain damage was higher in people with higher mean systolic blood pressure over the years.

The results remained the same even when the team tried to control other factors The researchers found a link between higher mean systolic blood pressure higher in the general population . The researchers found signs of Alzheimer's disease in the brain at autopsy. years before death and a greater number of entanglements, but no plaques.

One of the limitations of the study would be the lack of blood pressure of the participants in the Middle Ages. The account was taken only in later life, and that blood pressure information was recorded only once a year and not more frequently.

People with hypertension need to be very careful about what they eat. Foods high in saturated fat and hydrogenated oil can increase your blood pressure. A high blood pressure diet should have foods rich in magnesium, potassium and fiber. It should be low in sodium

Here are some foods for the management of blood pressure

1. Berries

All berries are loaded with heart-healthy compounds called flavonoids. The fruit rich in antioxidants can help lower blood pressure, according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. You can add them to your salads, oats, smoothies.

2. Yogurt

According to a study presented at the American Heart Association (AHA), women who consumed five or more servings of yogurt a week had a lower risk of developing a diet. high blood pressure that women who almost never ate yogurt [19659003] 3. Bananas

This tropical fruit is super rich in potassium and even easier to incorporate into your daily diet. A banana provides 1% calcium, 8% magnesium and 12% potassium that you need every day.

4. Kiwi

According to a report presented in the American Heart Association (AHA), kiwifruit can naturally lower blood pressure. Three kiwis a day could keep the blood pressure at bay. So throw kiwis in your salads and avoid any risk of high blood pressure.

5. Spinach

This green leafy delight is low in calories, high in fiber and filled with nutrients like potassium, folic acid, magnesium – key ingredients to lower and maintain blood pressure levels. Did you know that a half cup of cooked spinach provides about 12% of the recommended daily calcium intake of an adult?

(With ANI entries)

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