8 Major Decisions The Blood Moon of July 2018 will become more difficult to consider


Friday, July 27, we are in a beautiful day … astrologically speaking. A full moon is rising, and although it will look pretty normal here in North America, it is probably not going to release the same energy as all the other full moon periods. In Asia, Africa, Australia and parts of Europe and South America, people will see a total lunar eclipse, also known as the blood moon. This blood moon occurs the day after Mercury's demotion for the second time this year, and the energy of these two events will mean an emotion-filled weekend for everyone (yes, even those from among us who can not see it). Because of that, there are big decisions you should not make during the blood moon.

Full moons tend to bring out the emotional side of everyone, and they are usually a good time to cool off, get fresh start. A blood moon, which can only occur during an eclipse, tends to produce the same energy as an eclipse. An eclipse will usually allow you to examine your life and shed light on certain areas of your life.

It is also important to note that this blood moon is rising in Aquarius, a sign known to want to make the world a better place and do good there. The only problem is that Aquarius is not really great for managing a lot of emotions, and there will be a lot of emotion! In other words, you will feel a lot of things, and you will not be sure of the best way to navigate them.

In addition to all this, it happens during retrograde Mercury. Yikes! Mercury governs communication and travel, and the retrograde period is known to cause misunderstandings and misunderstandings. It can be messy! So, to get there, try to avoid as far as possible the decisions below:

1 Do not decide to try something new if it is a big problem [19659006] Giphy

This one could be hard. The energy of the full moon of blood will make you want to start from scratch and try something new – but Mercury retrograde could lead to bad decisions when it comes to doing something new and large. Although small decisions probably can not be avoided, you should avoid making the decision to do something new if it is really important. Just wait!

2 Do not quit your job


The energy of the full moon of blood will make you think about your past and things that no longer serve you. You will feel inspired for a new beginning. The fact that the moon is rising in Aquarius will increase this feeling even more. But this is not the time to quit your job … or give up something important. Trust us!

3 Do not decide quickly to break up with your partner


Again, the energy of the full moon of blood will make you look back on the past and find the best way to move forward. Aquarius does not really know how to handle the complex emotions that can often come with that. You may have the impression that you have to end a close relationship, but you may want to give yourself some time before making that final decision.

4 Do not make a new expensive purchase


Looking to buy something big? You probably should not do it during the time when there is a full moon, a total lunar eclipse, and Mercury retrograde. This is probably a purchase that you will regret.

5 Do not travel somewhere New


Retrograde Mercury is known for messing around with traveling: things go wrong, there are delays, traffic, misadventures … c & Is a disaster. Try to avoid this by not planning new trips around the blood moon, which could make this energy even more intense.

6 Do not decide to call your ex


The full moon will make you look back on your past, pondering all the important things. The blood moon will leave you feeling that you need to look at everything, and Aquarius will let you feel full of so much emotion. All this could give you the impression that you need to get in touch with an ex or someone from your past. Give yourself time to think before doing anything drastic.

7 Do not Sign a Contract


Again, you do not want to make big decisions right now, and you certainly do not want to be legally bound to one. Do not sign any important contract around the blood moon until you can get your head in a better space.

8 Do not decide to make a huge donation


Aquarius wants to make the world a better place. It's great! So during this bloody moon, you might want to make a difference and do something important. If it means giving a ton of money, wait. Doing something for good, that's fine, of course, but you want to make sure that you do not get angry in the process.

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